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Glitchers found in wall - Printable Version

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Glitchers found in wall - [UK]_Quinton - 01-01-2013

Hi - found a few glitchers online today. As we (a few members of [UK] house) joined the game ended and they left.
Don't like reporting people but also don't like people taking an unfair advantage...
Sorry about the poor quality pic too.

Re: Glitchers found in wall - Alphaa - 02-01-2013

Could it be that you mean: ON_Alphaa (me), FF_Bomber2, VLKA_Eleos, FF_Omphorus?

Re: Glitchers found in wall - [UK]_Quinton - 03-01-2013

yep - them's the ones

Re: Glitchers found in wall - Alphaa - 03-01-2013

Okay then lemme explain Wink

Re: Glitchers found in wall - Alphaa - 03-01-2013

We were playin this map as Snipers and Sharpshooter. FF_Porcer was there too, but his internet isn´t that good, he didn´t came back on server. So we put normal cades up this hill you can see on your screen. And 1 wave before Thor, we wanted to go up - and fell through the wall! This happened long time ago, now again, and we knew, that the bots can fall through as well. So we continued playin and died without killing Thor whether he was friendly Sad

Re: Glitchers found in wall - Alphaa - 03-01-2013

I hope I won´t get warned second time oO (First time was not fair, but shhh)

Re: Glitchers found in wall - Barristan - 03-01-2013

Locked pending investigation.