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Shop of Odi - Printable Version

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RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 25-03-2018

updated once again

RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 27-03-2018

- some stuff
+ Dark Gothic Gaunts
+ DBs

RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 02-04-2018


Looking for shop partner

RE: Shop of Odi - Thunderstorm - 03-04-2018

Can i be a helper

RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 03-04-2018

(03-04-2018, 10:18 AM)Thunderstorm Wrote: Can i be a helper
you can help me in other ways

RE: Shop of Odi - Thunderstorm - 03-04-2018

In what ways :=)

RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 04-04-2018

updated added Xbowman

RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 05-04-2018


RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 08-04-2018


RE: Shop of Odi - Odi - 11-04-2018


would really love a shop partner with herldic brig and heavy salet because im dying here