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WTK Hero's Despair and crafting equivalents - Printable Version

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WTK Hero's Despair and crafting equivalents - TerrorBite - 09-02-2018

Can't find the stats on swadian equipment page or any posts of:

Steel Headed Axe - 

Hero's Despair - 

Hero's Hope - 

Hero's Trust - 

Ornate Crusader -

Maneater -

Elegant Hafted Axe

RE: WTK Hero's Despair and crafting equivalents - Daedra - 09-02-2018

Steel Headed Axe 56c 103speed 79 reach
Hero's Despair 50c 35p 101speed 102 reach
Hero's Hope 52c 32p 101speed 99 reach
Hero's Trust 49c 34p 103speed 99 reach
Ornate Crusader 52c 33p 101speed 101reach
Maneater 57c 102speed 79 reach
Elegant Hafted Axe 58c 101speed 79 reach

RE: WTK Hero's Despair and crafting equivalents - TerrorBite - 09-02-2018

wow all in one go, i wont bother updating my post. thanks daed

Note: all appear worse than swadian hope