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WTS mats - Printable Version

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WTS mats - Yvain - 15-01-2013

Hi, selling some mats :

140 x Cloth
550 x Wood
101 Metal
46 x Bone Shard
100 x Bone Powder
135 x Leather
60 x Steel
52 x Shade Ore
30 x Mystic Charm
65 x Sparkly Necklace
59 x Twisted String
88 x Worm Root
178 x Hydra Leaf
5 x Spurn Berry
93 x Nem Flower
33 x Antiseptic Cloth
110 x Heavy Cloth
60 x Sturdy Wood
50 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
52 x 55x Hardened Metal (now in AH !)
5 x Small Lump of Lead
11 x Wood of Glasir
4 x Raven Feather
3 x Sulphur
2 x Water of Hvergelmir
6 x Oil
1x Scale of Fafnir
20 x Strap
10x Silk

My Character ID : 2436516
PM me for offers or post below.

Re: WTS mats - Ragnash - 15-01-2013

260k for hardened metal.

100k for twisted string.

Re: WTS mats - Harlaus - 16-01-2013

46 bone shard for 18400.

Re: WTS mats - Lord Striker - 16-01-2013

Can offer you lots of mats + 80k for the hardened metal, bear fur and oil. Are you looking for any mats?

Can also give you a Flamberge.

Re: WTS mats - Yvain - 16-01-2013

(15-01-2013, 07:58 PM)Ragnash link Wrote: 260k for hardened metal.

100k for twisted string.
For HM, I am expecting like 5.4k per item...
But I can sell you twisted string. Invite me to your house, I put my char ID in 1st post.

(16-01-2013, 11:12 AM)Harlaus link Wrote: 46 bone shard for 18400.
Yeah, 400 per shard sounds correct. I put in AH.

(16-01-2013, 11:55 AM)Lord Striker link Wrote: Can offer you lots of mats + 80k for the hardened metal, bear fur and oil. Are you looking for any mats?

Can also give you a Flamberge.
Looking for mats ? not really, I'm trying to get a royal.
But what about 75k for 6xOil ?

Re: WTS mats - Lord Striker - 16-01-2013

Oh alright. Sorry, that's too much for the Oil.

Re: WTS mats - Yvain - 16-01-2013

Twisted string and HM sold. Thanks Ragnash.

Re: WTS mats - Yvain - 18-01-2013


Re: WTS mats - TFP_Ritter - 19-01-2013

93 x Nem Flower->9300 100g each

Re: WTS mats - Yvain - 20-01-2013

Why not, but don't you also want leaf, berry and roots while we're at it ? 100g each