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[Open] drop question - Printable Version

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drop question - Sudoku_killer - 02-04-2018

I have looted phoenix shield item but I cant use it . Is this item not usable by design or is it a bug?

RE: drop question - Winter - 02-04-2018

I'm pretty sure you looted a Pheonix Shield. Look at which class can use it in your inventory.

RE: drop question - Sudoku_killer - 02-04-2018

(02-04-2018, 08:16 PM)Winter Wrote: I'm pretty sure you looted a Pheonix Shield.  Look at which class can use it in your inventory.

I wanted to trade it to my rg but  I cant see it  on my trading screen. I can only see it when in marketplace "sell your items"option. It is a picture of it and its says usable by queen Tsuki  or something like that

RE: drop question - Thunderstorm - 02-04-2018

Yeah its an April Fools item its not a legendary or a useable item

RE: drop question - Soviet - 02-04-2018

Wait, so you're telling me I didn't loot four Pull Tossers in one wave?

RE: drop question - Sudoku_killer - 02-04-2018

oh nice joke xDD BUT I though Aprils fool s day is restricted to the 1st only

RE: drop question - Ken_Repeaterman - 03-04-2018

These objects can be as the use? Or is it just a trinket?

RE: drop question - Winter - 03-04-2018

Just trinkets. They are only good for laughing at and selling for gold.