Game Mechanics affecting Nordinvasion - Kriegstofu - 05-10-2019
So i've been wondering about game mechanics and found this little Gem:!/
(the mod mechanics are mostly from warband, but some are C-rpg only, still most apply to all mods) I made my Comments/food for tought in Red into it, as where it conflicts with NI-Features
Quote:Ranged accuracy
Weapon profiency has a big effect on accuracy as does the weapon accuracy stat. In addition every point of damage reduces accuracy by 1 and thus even though Long bow has the highest accuracy rating, it is actually the most innaccurate bow due to high damage.
(Source: _Sebastian_)
This is why legendary bows have more than 100 Accuracy, Elegant Crossbow has 170 DMG and 100 Accuracy, yet its targeting reticle is not fully closed on a Chosen Marksman (due to high dmg)
Armor weight
Armor weight modified proficiency = base proficiency * (1 - 0.01 * effective armor weight)
Effective armor weight = 2*head armor weight + body armor weight + leg armor weight + 4*hand armor weight - 10
(Source: WaltF4, updated 31.7.2012 based on the new formula)
This is why a sentinel with illustrious deals more damage than an aventurier (as the later has more weight = less effective WPF) + (the speed bonus from reduced weight/walking faster backwards to remove even more damage)
This means that every point of armor weight with helmet weight multiplied by 2 and glove weight multiplied by 4 over 10 reduces your wpf by 1%. Or the same put other way, any effective armor weight from the above equation reduces your wpf 1% per 1 point.
This means rangers deal less ranged damage/ shoot slower than Sentinel/Sentries despite having the same stats due to heavier Archer Gear. Also Tracker Armor is way better than heavy bear as just wearing heavy bear armor alone guarantees reduced WPF as it is above 10 weight
Effective WPF
There are three possible factors reducing your wpf from what is listed on the character sheet. First reduce your wpf by 13 for each point of power throw, then reduce your wpf by 14 for each point of power draw and then remove 1% of remaining wpf for each point of effective weight. For effective weight, see armor weight chapter above.
Again this means Halberdier deal less damage than marauder. and hoplite deals less ranged damage than marauder due to not being able to wear gold lamellar armor
The same mathematically:
(wpf - 13*pt - 14*pd) * (1 - effective weight / 100)
Implications for non-crossbows:
- 10 wpf is equal to 1.5% damage. You have a 15% damage penalty at 0 wpf.
- Maximum power draw bonus - obviously only for bows - is for (bow difficulty + 4) points of the skill, each point giving 14% damage bonus
- Throwing gains 10% damage per power throw
- All three forms of ranged damage gain 1 damage per 5 strength. This damage is not modified by any damage modifiers like power throw, power draw or wpf.
- Without horse archery a mounted thrower or bowman does 20% less damage. Each point of horse archery reduces this penalty by 1.9% (percentile units). At 10 HA the damage is 99% of normal. So HA skill should be 10 at T5 for cav (to make it easier for pike and archer)
- Rain reduces bow damage by 10%
- Strength gives 1/5 points of damage not affected by any negative or positive modifier
Implications for crossbows
- Rain reduces crossbow damage by 25%.
Rain on maps might look cool, but it gives an unfair disadvantage to certain ranged troops
- Holding your melee strike before releasing it gives you a damage bonus.
--> Holding for less than 0.5 seconds gives you a damage bonus of 5% per 0.1 seconds.
--> Holding for 0.5 to 0.6 seconds gives you a 25% damage bonus
--> After 0.6 seconds the damage bonus will diminish 3% per 0.1 seconds until it's 10% after 1.1 seconds of holding weapon down.
So if you want to kill a boss it might be better to strike a bit slower than just spam your 2h/pole -> check with /dmg the difference
So this means: Weight reduces WPF which means less damage/speed for both weapons and puts armored heroes at a disadvantage over "light armored ones" .
Tracker Armor prevents WPF reduction as the max weight of the total armor is below 10 (remember to multiply the head weight by 2 and glove weight by 4) which means Tracker Armor with a weight of 7 has a WPF weight of 9 which is below 10 which means it does not limit the effective WPF - cursed leaviathans guard has 1 more weight so it still does not effect the effective wpf as it still is 10-10=0
Royal Sniper has weight 1+1+0,75+10 = 12,75 or effective weight 1+2+3+10=16 which means 16-10= 6% Wpf Reduction
Heavy Bear has weight 2+2+1,5+15= 20,5 or effective weight 2+4+6+15= 27 which means 27-10= 17% Wpf Reduction
so you might not only get a walking speed reduction but also a dmg/shooting speed reduction for wearing the more protective armors
Gilded Bear is 12 or Upgraded 9 so this still allows for an effective Weapon Proficiency reduction - Increasing WPF for Rangers/Halberdiers should fix this - crossbowmen ranged damage is not concerned in weight matters.
However the same applies to melee damage so there is still the problem with royal guards having heavier armor yet deal less in 1h melee than Zweis or Juggs
Quote:Melee damage
Damage before armor is calculated by:
Code: [Select]
Code: hold_bonus * (WPF*0.01*0.15+0.85)*(power_strike*0.08+1.0)+strength/5.0
- Each power strike point is 8% extra damage
- 10 wpf is equal to 1.5% damage. You have a 15% damage penalty at 0 wpf compared to base weapon damage. At 100 wpf there is no penalty or bonus to damage.
- 5 strength gives 1 damage that isn't affected by modifiers.
- Holding your melee strike before releasing it gives you a damage bonus.
--> Holding for less than 0.5 seconds gives you a damage bonus of 5% per 0.1 seconds.
--> Holding for 0.5 to 0.6 seconds gives you a 25% damage bonus
--> After 0.6 seconds the damage bonus will diminish 3% per 0.1 seconds until it's 10% after 1.1 seconds of holding weapon down.
- If you use polearm with a shield or from horseback, you get -27.75% damage penalty
- If you use twohander with a shield or from horesback, you get -23.5% damage penalty if that twohander can be used with a shield (ie has onehander animations). If not, the penalty is -15%.
- Both cases above also have some sort of a speed penalty.
(Thanks to Tydeus for the exact mechanics of hold bonus and CaptainQuantum for the melee mechanics. They can be found also at,168722.msg4090900.html#msg4090900)
RE: Game Mechanics affecting Nordinvasion - Coconut - 05-10-2019
another reason to dislike rain maps
RE: Game Mechanics affecting Nordinvasion - DR. - 06-10-2019
(05-10-2019, 04:09 PM)Kriegstofu Wrote: - Holding your melee strike before releasing it gives you a damage bonus.
--> Holding for less than 0.5 seconds gives you a damage bonus of 5% per 0.1 seconds.
--> Holding for 0.5 to 0.6 seconds gives you a 25% damage bonus
The power of ping?
RE: Game Mechanics affecting Nordinvasion - Kriegstofu - 09-11-2019
found another tidbit of information, this time about damage absorption depending on shield resistance (shield hit on your back)
This is useful for Zwei/Jugg using a 2h with a shield or RGs with 2 Shields when being used on cav with a swing from left to right while on horse (as your back moves to your front)
Code: armor = appropriate_armor_value_for_hit_location
if hit_shield_on_back:
armor += shield_resistance + 10
soak_factor = armor * module.ini_soak_factor_for_damage_type
reduction_factor = armor * module.ini_reduction_factor_for_damage_type
if item_flags & itp_extra_penetration:
soak_factor *= module.ini_extra_penetration_soak_factor
reduction_factor *= module.ini_extra_penetration_reduction_factor
randomized_soak = (random.random() * 0.55 + 0.45) * soak_factor
randomized_damage = (random.random() * 0.1 + 0.9) * raw_damage
soaked_damage = randomized_damage - randomized_soak
if (soaked_damage < 0.0):
soaked_damage = 0.0
randomized_reduction = math.exp((random.random() * 0.55 + 0.45) * reduction_factor * 0.014)
reduced_damage = (1.0 - 1.0 / randomized_reduction) * soaked_damage
if (reduction_factor < 0.00001):
reduced_damage = 0.0
damage_difference = round(reduced_damage + randomized_soak)
effective_damage = randomized_damage - damage_difference
if hit_bone == head:
effective_damage *= 1.2
if item_is_ranged:
effective_damage *= 1.75
elif hit_bone == calf or hit_bone == thigh:
effective_damage *= 0.9
effective_damage = clamp(effective_damage, 0.0, 500.0)
the important part here is
Code: if hit_shield_on_back:
armor += shield_resistance + 10
which means the higher your shields resistance is, the higher your backs total armor rating is
this only counts for projectiles, not for melee hits