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Report: [WP]Oliver - Printable Version

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Report: [WP]Oliver - DB_Mike - 05-04-2013

Hey guys,
its not really a report of this player. I was with him together in a house, called Wolf Packs, long time ago. But this House disbanded.
I gave [WP]Oliver much mats to craft me a striped armor. Since the Wolf Packs are disbanded he didn't give me this striped armor.

I think it's really childish to block me in steam without that i can write something to him. I just want to ask after this striped armor. its just fair to give it to me or the worth of it. It could be agreed normal.
I know that he's playing with worm bane and a barrel as Crossbowman. So he have enough gold I think. So I don't know the problem to give me my mats worth back.

Okey guys. Thank you for reading.

P.S. [WP]Oliver is a german player such as I am =D

Re: Report: [WP]Oliver - Benschie - 06-04-2013

Hmm you probably should have brought this up when it happened, unfortunately with out any proof of this trade (Trade id number? screenshots? anything) it will be next to impossible to follow up on

Re: Report: [WP]Oliver - DB_Mike - 06-04-2013

sure. you're right... unfortunately =((
It's over now. But it's annoying. I just want that other players know this Oliver and what he might do again...

Your Mike =D

Re: Report: [WP]Oliver - Sphinx - 06-04-2013

Unless you have strong proofs that he scammed you, please do not attack his reputation. You can't say you want to warn players about this Oliver when you can't even prove the wrongdoings you're accusing him of. Anyone could do the same with your name; throwing dirt at it without proving it. So please refrain of doing that.

Thank you
