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NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Printable Version

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NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Pikeman - 21-04-2013

Since most lower level players end up staying behind the cades and mostly doing nothing and just getting xp, we should invent a new difficulty server for them ! That would be great for redshirts and other lesser skilled people. Anyways we already have Hard, Normal and soon Ragnarok (Very hard / extreme), so why should we not have an "easy" difficulty level.
I already have some ideas for the enemies

Wave 1 (mixed): Nord Fistfighter , Nord Slave, Nord Weak Peasant
Wave 2 (Special): Nord Angry Mob (has torches) / Nord Female militia
Wave 3 (mixed) : Nord Rock Thrower, Nord Fistfighters, Nord Merchant
Wave 4 (boss wave) : Nord wounded soldiers, Nord Torturer (Boss)

Wave 5 (mixed): Evil man, Unexperienced bounty hunter, Nord hunter (Short bow archers)
Wave 6 (special): Nord Brave Men, Armored fistfighters
Wave 7: (mixed) : Evil man, Nord Hunter, Nord Hammer wielder, Nord suicider
Wave 8: (Boss wave): Bounty hunters , Nord Master (Boss)

Wave 9 (mixed) : Armored peasant, Nord (wannabe) mage ((throws sticks), Nord sailor, Nord hunters
Wave 10 (special) : Nord Angry woodcutter / Crazed Slave / Armored Townsmen
Wave 11 (mixed) : Nord hunters, Bounty hunters, Evil men, Nordic Ninja (throws small knives)
Wave 12 (boss wave):  Horseless riders, Nord Knight (without horse)

Wave 13 (mixed): Nord miner (pickaxe), Nord shielder (heavy board shields but no armor), Nord Archer, Nord  Mage
Wave 14(Special): Nord spearmen / Nord Thrower / Armsman (heavy armor,extremely slow, bad weapon)
Wave 15(mixed) : Nord Shielder, Nord Archer, Angry mob, Nord Regular, Nord Miner
Wave 16(Boss Wave):  Nord Bodyguard, Nord archers,  Executioner (Boss)

Wave 17(mixed):Mysterious Man, Nord Smasher, Swordsman, Caravan Guard, Nord Soldier, Nord Archers
Wave 18(special): Nord Armed Engineer / Trained Guard / Nord Crossbowmen /
Wave 19 (mixed): Nord Archers, Nord Shielders, Swordsman, Nord Spearman, Poacher, Heavy Soldier
Wave 20( boss / last wave):  Nord General (boss, drops weak legendary?), Nord Master Archer, General's Guard

EDIT: added wave 13 to 20.

What do you guys think ? Please post your opinion on the subject not just vote and forget about this D:

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Winter - 21-04-2013

I think that since 0.5.0 is already adding another difficulty setting, this is kind of unnecessary Tongue

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Gimli - 21-04-2013

If you pay all the needed servers devs maybe will think about this... Make the game harder!

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - human_being - 21-04-2013

Moar work, moar servers!

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Pikeman - 21-04-2013

No need to add this in the 0.5.0 update, maybe 0.6.0 ? ( to give the devs rest and for us players to try out the new difficulty first), if you worry about the payement for the servers, how about turning a few servers that mostly nobody uses into this difficulty?

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Maroon - 21-04-2013

Would be kinda fun, but I think there should be a level cap at like 25, to stop high levels from coming in and soloing their way through the entire map. Other than that, nice idea!

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Pikeman - 21-04-2013

(21-04-2013, 10:12 AM)Maroon link Wrote: Would be kinda fun, but I think there should be a level cap at like 25, to stop high levels from coming in and soloing their way through the entire map. Other than that, nice idea!

Yeah something like no xp and loot if you're over level 25, thanks !

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Hande - 21-04-2013

Maybe.. need to think about this.
Maybe only for 1-20 levels...

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Maroon - 21-04-2013

I figured 25, as that is (iirc) the level you'd normally move to tier 3, so that only tier 0 to 2 can get exp on the server.

Re: NI_Easy_Server (Pikeman's shitty suggestions vol. 4) - Hande - 21-04-2013

Started to work with this easy mode a bit, so maybe is coming in future patches.