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Remembering The Irish Eagle
I used to be a UK House Member back when I was about 15 years old in 2013. I was a bit shy and I remember him standing up for me, telling other people on TS that it's okay to be less talkative. Back in those times we we're playing almost everyday. I'm happy he was part of my NI experience which I hold very dear to my heart. RIP
Rest in peace!
I was just going to vote for the favourite player/admin thing, got curious about the Irish flag colors and shattered to discover the news about the Irish Eagle. Though I didn't have much direct dialogue with him, I always respected how serious and fair he was in his administrative decisions when reading the unban requests etc. Dude even got the voice for it!

10 years ago he bore the sad news about Quinton (R.I.P.), and now he joined him. Irish, you'll always live in the hearts of the ones who love you. Rest in peace.

[Image: OI6hyWJ.jpeg]
Less talking, more raiding!
That's a great shame to hear, He will be missed by everyone , my coif fur hat will certainly miss the old man
barbutte with coif Smile
aurora blade

yea  sharpthorn
RIP. will miss u.
Rest in peace.
RIP i will miss u
my old friend
"war....war  never  changes."
Rest in peace Irish
Legendary Loots:
Zephyr - 14/6/2016
Illustrious - 01/02/2025
Rest in Peace
Impervious -  04/08/2015
Bolt Tosser - 28/12/2015
Heavy Scaled Graves 31/01/2021

Spoczywaj w pokoju.
[Image: pE05jgl.png]


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