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Re: Save NordInvasion! - Funkdoobs - 26-04-2015

This games always gonna have its ups and downs with the numbers of people playing it. Nothing lasts forever new things will always come in to play and people will go different directions its just life you cant change it.

Number one thing to change in game ,you should get SHC at lower level. Everyone is always complaing about none of the low levels bringing enough support but at same time you can't bring the support until your at top level.

TRADING!!! OMG If anything can be done about shortening the time it takes to get a trade complete especially over the forum it would be a god send  8)

The new auction whole layout is good except for one massive problem. If you put a stack of items to be sold someone should not be able to buy just one of the items they should have to buy the whole stack . With the current method it takes far too long now to make money and items take forever to sell.

The whole kiting thing can be argued from both ways.
Its annoying when a bunch of people are trying to play as a team together and someone just wants to play with a kite attitude.
At same time when servers are unpopulated during points of the day or just full of leechers spawning more bots the restrictions on kiting can be annoying aswell.
Reducing the amount of xp you get by playing by yourself than with others etc i feel is the wrong method as its like your being punished for the servers not being populated.

The movement of the nords in general i find has made the game too easy. Alot of the times when you are on the hard waves or boss waves half the mob is getting caught up and not reaching you properly. At the moment on some maps normals are a piece of piss to solo as prince waves just gets caught up.
Ragnar etc are going friendly far too often aswell i find. They get close to a cade then all of sudden they are in friendly mode.

BARRELS - Delete from game - You should either kill all the waves or die none of this cowardly barrel nonsense ; )

Admining in general needs a bit of a brush up or change in its approach.
There are alot of people nowadays pretending to play. Out of 16 on a server generally 6 ppl will be doing all the work and the others will just be pissing around. Which is fine on a normal but on hard or rags you need to contribute.

When new players join the game and dont understand the rules fully etc ppl are far too quick to bite their head off rather than being diplomatic ppl seem to dish out ultimatums, i dont think this is right at all.

As for loot. You Snooze You Lose!  :o

Re: Save NordInvasion! - Malong - 26-04-2015

(26-04-2015, 02:10 PM)Bobo link Wrote: Well, the loot system is random, so it is hard to say it's unfair.
That's pretty much the definition of unfair. Fair would be that players are compensated in accordance with their contributions. As is, you only need to pass two criteria to get loot: being alive, and being within range of loot. There is no encouragement to add effort or go above and beyond in play, especially if you could die, thereby causing you to fail the first of the two aforementioned criteria and excluding you from loot. Furthermore, there is no computer algorithm to generate a truly random selection, it is pseudo-random, so there is no entirely equal sampling of a choice from a set.

(26-04-2015, 02:10 PM)Bobo link Wrote: Just life you see, one gets the lottery win, the others do not.
Except with a lottery there can be multiple winners. And you can buy multiple lottery tickets (to increase your chance), or bet multiple times on your selection(s) of numbers (to increase your winning share). This is analogous to putting forth more effort to ensure your team doesn't wipe. Yet in NI you can be penalized for this, especially if you die or are out of range, thus nullifying your added contributions.

On the original topic= the issue is more of retention than expansion of the player base. Retaining players is pretty easy, be attentive to their concerns and implement requested features or reply to their feedback with logic and reason. As players though, when we voice our concerns, we are often given replies telling us what we want instead of asking us what we want.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - MatthewO - 26-04-2015

(26-04-2015, 03:15 PM)Funkdoobs link Wrote: This games always gonna have its ups and downs with the numbers of people playing it. Nothing lasts forever new things will always come in to play and people will go different directions its just life you cant change it.

Yeah, pretty sure you are right, but i think this is one of the "final downs". I am just dissapointed that Devs are quiet and we cant see if they are doing something with decreasing of players or it´s work of community Smile

Re: Save NordInvasion! - Sargent Q - 26-04-2015

(26-04-2015, 02:15 PM)Unknown_Soldier link Wrote: I still believe the loot system still needs reworked even more, the only problem is shielders. If you base it by kills then they wont ever get anything, which is unfair to a important part of the team. Also the level up path is way to steep. A level 1 will be lucky to kill 2 guys, that would make them get angry and quit after a few trys. If they could say kill a couple waves on their own they could level up fairly quickly and get in the hang of it. Most people don't want to play a mod on an old game that has a huge learning and leveling path. I think just a nice big update and rework of a lot of NI will probably satisfy a lot of veteran players and keep new guys around long enough to become actual members of the community.

As I said in the other thread,  They are working on the leveling system. 

Re: Save NordInvasion! - Malong - 26-04-2015

(26-04-2015, 04:53 PM)Sargent Q link Wrote: As I said in the other thread,  They are working on the leveling system.
And according to this thread, "they" have been working on cavalry since December 2013. The promise that changes and improvements are coming is just hand waving instead of concrete evidence.

Also, the condescension in your response when not supported by logic, while there is also no precedent that the product can deliver just further drives players away. It basically reads like you typed "Hey idiot, we said changes are coming. Trust us even though we have not given you much of a reason to." A better means of communication with players would be actual evidence. Given that it's a software project, any issue tracking or revision control system like Git, Bugzilla, JIRA is a good example of keeping players in the loop.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - Kip - 26-04-2015

As I posted in the community outreach thread, we are working on some plans for the next major patch.

(12-04-2015, 11:12 PM)Kip link Wrote: In brighter news, we have some great ideas in the pipeline for the next patch and are looking forward to how they will affect game progression from lower to upper levels.  I don’t want to say anything specific quite yet but these changes will make the game more inviting for new members and introduce some fun ideas for existing members too!

Cavalry was always primarily Senni's project.  Right now, our focus is on improving the game we have and putting more effort into smoothing the start of the game for new players.  Cavalry will get some attention in time but it is on the back-burner since it has little affect on the rest of the game.

I would love to have a public facing issue tracker but it is difficult to find a good one that fits our hosting requirements and does not add to our costs.  We are currently using Axosoft internally and might be able to create a public interface to it using their api but that would draw time away from working on the game itself.  We are also using GIT internally but keep in mind that this is not an open source mod.

As has been discussed countless times before, a random loot system is the fairest system available at the moment.  No, it does not directly reward players for putting in more effort but effort is still required to keep the team alive to reach later waves.  There is no way to gauge the effort put forth by shielders and medics.

While technically there is no "true" randomness for computers, what is available is good enough for our purposes.  Also remember that to properly gauge the spread of the results, you must look at a very large sample of data - not just a few runs.  With regards to the lottery analogy, instead of buying more tickets, you need to spend more time playing.

I would argue that retaining players and gaining new players are both difficult, especially for a game as old as Warband.  There is only so much that can be done to keep the game fresh and we will continue to do our best to achieve this.

While the Auction Hall does not force people to buy more than they need, it does allow people to buy what they can.  Not everyone can afford to purchase the whole bundle.

I do sometimes wonder whether barrels should have a place in this mod.  I dislike the way they are used to bypass "useless" or "junk" waves and can be used to weaken other stronger waves without worrying about loss of loot.  Because barrels are so powerful, Nords have been made more powerful to compensate leading to a dependence on barrels.  All that said, I do not see them getting removed from the game.

The movement of Nords is indeed the main weekness to the game.  They will always try to take the shortest route to the player making them easy to kite and causing them to get hung up in tight areas.  In a recent patch, we removed the invisible waypoints from the map to see what affect it would have on game play.  In some cases, it has made things more interesting since ranged bots do not just run up to the shielders and get slottered and instead have to be dealt with care.  In other cases, it has needlessly slowed down game play due to bots getting stuck.  In coming patches, we plan to start adding back waypoints where they are needed and leave them out where they are not.

Much has been said about kiting and I do not want this thread to morph into yet another wall of text about it.  I will only say that I do see both sides of the argument.  While it does allow for a server to start up with fewer people, it also includes a history of people trying to keep others out of their runs because they are not good enough or are not a kiting class.  I am not saying all kiting is like that but it is one of the concerns.  Again, I will not fully address kiting here because we have more than enough threads on the subject and I would like to this thread free of it.

One thing I have heard anecdotally is that many people are particularly busy studying for final exams.  I do not think this can all be attributed to finals but it likely is a part of it.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - Monstersti - 26-04-2015

(26-04-2015, 05:39 PM)Kip link Wrote: One thing I have heard anecdotally is that many people are particularly busy studying for final exams.  I do not think this can all be attributed to finals but it likely is a part of it.
I also think there has been some good game releases recently and feel like a lot are just kinda burnt out on this patch. I will say i do see a lot of newer players i just think its hard to keep them around. Starting in this game is kinda like starting in single player on the hardest difficulty, you basically just get destroyed for a good while before you get into the real game which actually starts to be fun. And it is much much better then what it used to be back when i started out.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - MatthewO - 26-04-2015

Well, i dont think it´s about time spent in game, well, you can play this 1k hours and loot non legendary or you can loot 1 per week/month. I said once that loot system needs improvement. Yes, random system is the most fair system what we can have. But, Farawyn is looting every 1-2 weeks legendary while other players never looted anything for 1-3 years of playing, it seems unfair and most of these people think that these players have some advantages like more loot etc.
Nevermind. We need "big" update which will move NI few steps further.

And i would welcome if Official Events could be restored. I think more players could welcome this.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - [ASSASSINE] - 26-04-2015

Well my Thread about kiting has been Closed with no anwer, just winters opinion on it. An official Statement about it would be Great, People would like to Know.

Re: Save NordInvasion! - MatthewO - 26-04-2015

Quote: link=topic=42796.msg229016#msg229016 date=1430074502]
Well my Thread about kiting has been Closed with no anwer, just winters opinion on it. An official Statement about it would be Great, People would like to Know.
