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Community Manager? - Printable Version

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Re: Community Manager? - Drunken Monkey - 22-03-2014

Quote:Hande was a terrible choice.

I like Hande. I mean, having an NI community without Hande would be like playing M&B without bugs. You just would be missing them after a while. It's not the same without them. That's what makes this whole thing unique.

Re: Community Manager? - Yvain - 22-03-2014

(22-03-2014, 08:26 PM)Drunken Monkey link Wrote: I like Hande. I mean, having an NI community without Hande would be like playing M&B without bugs. You just would be missing them after a while.
I would not have dared to say it, but nice one... Smile

Re: Community Manager? - [ASSASSINE] - 23-03-2014

(22-03-2014, 08:11 PM)clickeverywhere link Wrote: Can admins kick players for lack of effort? Lack of contribution? We need some harsher penalties for these behaviors, because that's the biggest problem I'm seeing now in servers. Unless you experience it yourself--taking the risks to move the team forward, yet getting nothing in the end--you will not understand it. I do not wish to step out of bounds as an admin, and I do not wish to act in a manner unbefitting an admin. What is there I can do when faced with half a team of underachievers toeing the line of inactivity?
and this is the actual problem the mod is facing atm, admins should be allowed to kick for this. if im seeing someone leeching the whole time, screaming at the end of the round aurora balde omg, im just pissed off, as he has done nothing to help.

Re: Community Manager? - Slayer - 23-03-2014

Well, to me, Hande is a developer of the mod and not a community manager. If anyone was the least bit of a community manager previously, it was Ragnash. Nowadays it's pretty much Click interacting with the community the most, posting the most logical things and helping newer players as well as interacting with all parts of the community as much as possible.

To me, Hande doesn't do the above, however i'm not thrashing on Hande, he is a developer of the mod and does a damn good job of what he's helped to create. However, I do not see him fit as community manager and never have.

If I were to recommend anyone as the title of Community Manager, it would be Click, easily.

Re: Community Manager? - Renji - 23-03-2014

Hande is fun, let's keep him. If not, we always have Deer >.>

Re: Community Manager? - Hypernoma - 23-03-2014

(22-03-2014, 08:11 PM)clickeverywhere link Wrote: We were told most recently about the month of the purge, but since that was posted I haven't heard anything. Is the purging over? Is it still going on? What now? We've also heard about the plans for a new loot system, but how is that coming along?
My apologies, I have returned from death's door to ban you all (I have actually been very ill lol). The purge continues but we don't broadcast every banned player. We are also cracking down on you evil players using cracked keys. We are finding you and we will kill you.

As for the loot system, we believe we have all the kinks worked out so hold onto your seats as we'll be taking off soon...

And finally to voice my support for Hande. Hande does a marvellous job answering PMs and emails we receive to the nord invasion admin account. I am embarrassed to say I forget to check that account as often as I should yet Hande has always responded to every email that comes in (with the exception of orders for steel goods to China). Hande also has that account set as his forum account as I see the wealth of PMs he receives and the answers he gives to them. Yes, Hande might appear blunt at times but we all know that Hande is a man of few words. I can count on my hands the number of words I have heard him utter in his delicious, sultry voice.

Re: Community Manager? - Slayer - 24-03-2014

(23-03-2014, 11:57 PM)Hypernoma link Wrote: [quote author=clickeverywhere link=topic=24480.msg171154#msg171154 date=1395519090]
We were told most recently about the month of the purge, but since that was posted I haven't heard anything. Is the purging over? Is it still going on? What now? We've also heard about the plans for a new loot system, but how is that coming along?
My apologies, I have returned from death's door to ban you all (I have actually been very ill lol). The purge continues but we don't broadcast every banned player. We are also cracking down on you evil players using cracked keys. We are finding you and we will kill you.

As for the loot system, we believe we have all the kinks worked out so hold onto your seats as we'll be taking off soon...

And finally to voice my support for Hande. Hande does a marvellous job answering PMs and emails we receive to the nord invasion admin account. I am embarrassed to say I forget to check that account as often as I should yet Hande has always responded to every email that comes in (with the exception of orders for steel goods to China). Hande also has that account set as his forum account as I see the wealth of PMs he receives and the answers he gives to them. Yes, Hande might appear blunt at times but we all know that Hande is a man of few words. I can count on my hands the number of words I have heard him utter in his delicious, sultry voice.

There is a difference between answering emails to an admin account and being a Community Manager Hyper.

I do agree that Hande is excellent in those fields, however as in my above post states, I don't see him fit as "Community Manager".

In my other community that I am currently moderating, the structure sort of goes like this:

Developers of the client (or mod for NI):


Bug fixer/Editor/Helpsupport (Emails etc):


Community Manager (Is on the forums, deals with disputes, suggestions and passes info forward to the developers that the community wants):


Super Moderators (Basically the same as community manager, but is below if you get what i mean):
(Basically Senior Admins)


Global Moderators (Just clean up the forum and answer questions etc and give the supers a helping hand):
(Basically Game Admins)


To me, Hande seems like that Zach guy, helping out, fixing bugs (maps) etc, but not Maldesto, the community manager. I feel click is more like the Maldesto, or Kip even. Obviously you wouldn't have all these roles as this forum is no where near as big as the one I was talking about, but you get the general idea.

Re: Community Manager? - madjsoh - 24-03-2014

i'm not sure if this is post about replacing hande or making apparent the change's people want to see in him. the earlier i do not agree would be a good idea. Hande does do a tremendous amount of work mapping bug fixing etc (mostly nerfing) but it would be nice to see hear more from him rather than the blunt NO!/BAN!

whether or not you guy's agree here is my opinion on what the role of cummunity manager SHOULD entail

1) engage thoroughly with the community on both a developer level and as a ordinary player of the mod.

2) offer insightful updates/responses to questions posed by the community and as click mentioned earlier "work in the pipes"

3) Be a man of the community and not solely of the administration team. A community manager should side with the community and express the communities views to the Devs rather than express the devs views to the community. at the moment the community lacks a champion who can freely express a viewpoint on important matters in the game without being bluntly shut-down.

4) a community manager should not deal with bans. I believe that this touchy area of administration can cause rifts in relations between people. The community manager should be exempt from this as they need to maintain good public relations with all (within good reason)

i am not poking a fork at Hande here as i realise many of these things he does do as well as working hard at his busy job as a mapper. However, I strongly believe that at the moment the community requires the attention of their manager...the maps can come second.

i would be interested to hear what the developers including other members of the community think the role of a community manager should entail. let's create a better community manager rather than simply poking the fork.

also, i do not think that naming and shamming this anonymous hero to be a good idea. the guy obviously wanted to keep this separate from his main account...he should feel safe enough to not have to hide his IP. do we want to encourage people to run around with smurf IP's ?

Re: Community Manager? - Buttercup - 24-03-2014

This is all just a observation, so please don't try to tear me a new one. I understand that my opinion will be debated, so just try to be respectful, and not make me look like a fool.

Might it be that your all afraid of Hande? I would go as far as to say im even afraid of him. The guy is a stone cold killer. You should see him on WoT. he shows no remorse, but i also have to add that whenever i ask for help, say something stupid(often), or ask a stupid question he answers politely or just laughs( in text form of course). The man LIVES for this game and the community, and for that reason, i think that is why he has had the tittle of Community Manager for so long; he just belongs there. I'm not saying that he should never be promoted to a higher position either. GOD forbid Hyper ever leaves, Hande will definitely be able to run the community and the Mod after the in sewing shit storm that follows Hypers leave. I will admit that when Hande( and even hyper) give short answers and no followup info unless you ask, it does put on a mask of anger or discontent, but you just have to look past. play more games with him, talk to him more, and give the man some props for putting up with our shit since day 1, and that is why Hande, you get my gratitude and respect for your endless support of this mod. Hyper, you just get a  high five.

Re: Community Manager? - Slayer - 24-03-2014

(24-03-2014, 06:20 AM)Buttercup link Wrote: This is all just a observation, so please don't try to tear me a new one. I understand that my opinion will be debated, so just try to be respectful, and not make me look like a fool.

Might it be that your all afraid of Hande? I would go as far as to say im even afraid of him. The guy is a stone cold killer. You should see him on WoT. he shows no remorse, but i also have to add that whenever i ask for help, say something stupid(often), or ask a stupid question he answers politely or just laughs( in text form of course). The man LIVES for this game and the community, and for that reason, i think that is why he has had the tittle of Community Manager for so long; he just belongs there. I'm not saying that he should never be promoted to a higher position either. GOD forbid Hyper ever leaves, Hande will definitely be able to run the community and the Mod after the in sewing shit storm that follows Hypers leave. I will admit that when Hande( and even hyper) give short answers and no followup info unless you ask, it does put on a mask of anger or discontent, but you just have to look past. play more games with him, talk to him more, and give the man some props for putting up with our shit since day 1, and that is why Hande, you get my gratitude and respect for your endless support of this mod. Hyper, you just get a  high five.

You've bonded with Hande through World of Tanks. Not NI. Should be the other way around.