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Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Tsukiyomi - 22-07-2014

I'm still unsure where all this belief that 8 shielding is terrible is coming from.  Your shield is really breaking on wave 16 of normal?  Seems like a problem with your shield not the skill :\  I have shielded full normal runs with only 1 studded steel shield and only had to repair a couple times towards the end.  I have also shielded full hard runs, even full (20 man) rag events.  Sure the royal guards last longer, but with three shields equipped and proper timing switching them, the legionnaire can last just fine on any mode.  Sure the increase to 9 shielding would be great but I stand by what Winter has said (and I have said in the past) that if anything needs a buff it is the terrible throwing ability.

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Sargent Q - 22-07-2014

Hard,  And it is the best one that legionnaire can equip.  So tell how am i supposed to get a better one?

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Tsukiyomi - 22-07-2014

Studded steel shield is better.  As I just said, I have shielded full rag/hard servers with no problem. 

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Sargent Q - 22-07-2014

Please explain how 9 more armor and 200 less hit points makes it better for axe waves.

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Suns - 22-07-2014

The huge increase in armor reduces the amount of damage inflicted upon the shield. This was cleared up already in previous threads...

I'll add more on this *discussion* later.

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Sargent Q - 22-07-2014

Not with axes as has been said before.  Axes ignore the armor on a shield and attack the HP directly.

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - VM_Lord_Gazma - 22-07-2014

Q, I gotta say that having used the Resiliance and the Studded steel, I would take the studded steel any day.  I've shielded hard mode with both (and 8 shielding) and had much better luck with the studded steel (or Royal).

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Oromë - 22-07-2014

Harlaus explained everything in earlier topic as Suns mentioned so i'll just quote it. ( as we come from buff shielding  skill to shields i post it but plis dont blame me for offtopic plis i cri)

(12-07-2014, 04:11 PM)Harlaus link Wrote:
*Studded Kite shield = Studded Steel Shield, apologies.
Some things to consider:
1) All were calculated with 50 base damage, 30 strength, 8 powerstrike, and 180 weapon proficiency
2) Resilience performs 3rd best against pierce weapons, 3rd best against blunt weapons, and 3rd best against Cut weapons.
3) In all cases the Dragon kite shield comes in 4th, it is objectively the worst of them all, though no one ever complains about that.
4) Bonus against shields, as mentioned, simply doubles the damage after armor, so all these numbers need only be halved to calculate hits with bonus against shields.
5) Aegis shield takes overall first place, losing only against cut weapons. This is perfectly fine as it is the Shielding hero exclusive, as Winter said.
6) I have not calculated it, but I don't doubt the Royal shield beats the Resilience, this is either because the royal shield is too strong, or because the Resilience and Dragon kite shield are too weak. The second explanation is probably the more correct one.

As to what can be done to correct this, I am positive those in charge of balance have considered much and done the best they can, and the result will probably be satisfactory.

Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Maroon - 22-07-2014

(22-07-2014, 09:17 PM)Sargent Q link Wrote: Please explain how 9 more armor and 200 less hit points makes it better for axe waves.
So, we're faced by a Nord with an axe. Let's say he has a consistent damage output of 60 damage, plus the bonus against shields trait.
We have two shield, one with 1200 health and 50 resistance, and one with 1400 health and 41 resistance.

For this next part, I am not 100% sure which of these methods is correct, so I'll just do both.
Bonus against shields does double damage versus shields, either before it's damage is reduced by resistance or after.
The Studded Steel Shield (SSS) has 1200 health, 50 resistance, so takes either (60*2)-50 = 70 or (60-50)*2 = 20 damage from the axe. This means it's destroyed either in 18 or 60 hits.
The Resilience takes (60*2)-41 = 79 or (60-41)*2 = 38 damage, leading to a broken shield in 18 or 37 hits.

When using 120 damage, we get the following:
SSS: (120*2)-50 = 190 damage, 7 hits
(120-50)*2 = 140 damage, 9 hits

Resilience: (120*2)-41 = 199 damage, 8 hits
(120-41)*2 = 158 damage, 9 hits

Now, 60 damage from an axe is about the level of a Nord Trooper, while 120 is more like Einherjar Berserkers, I think.
So this makes it likely that the second method is used, because you can take more than 18 hits from troopers.
This also means that, while the shields are more or less equal on rag, the SSS is by far better on normal versus axes.


Re: Legionnaire Shielding Skill - Sargent Q - 22-07-2014

Copied from the Mount and Blade Wiki where it is a featured article

Resistance: This is the damage subtracted from every hit the shield takes (The shield's armor). For example, a 0 Resistance shield hit by a blade will take 20 damage, which will drain its Durability; instead, a 10 Resistance shield hit by the same blade will take only 10 damage (20 minus 10). Resistance also factors against a successful Guard Crush. This parameter can be quite important for a shield. Certain weapons, mainly axes and axe-like weapons, ignore this value when dealing damage. Ranged weapons with sufficient damage and missile speed can penetrate shields that have a low resistance. This damage is always reduced, however a hard enough hitting attack will interrupt your block. Shields appear to take an absolute minimum of 1 point of damage per hit while held regardless of how high its resistance, how high the shield skill of the wielder is or how weak the enemy's weapon is.

Therefore saying that the axes ignore the armor of a shield making the Resilience supposed to be the better shield on hard and rag where there are so many nords with axes.  And the fact that 3 break all the way for me on war marshall means that a pubic run is not very likely to succeed as the communication is not there to get back up.