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Market place - Printable Version

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Market place - Sudoku_killer - 03-11-2013

Top tier armors (tier 3 and 4) should be more expensive in marketplace , 30k (8 k for tier 3 )is far too little for armor with 60 body (50 body tier 3).
This totally exclude tier 3 (tier 2 of course too)  craftable armors from the market coz they cost much more to craft  (h highlander armor fe.) so nobody gonna buy them  . Difference in stats is not enough to encourage  anyone to buy it (and heraldic tunic got same stats like marketplace tier 3 btw), Im sure if these marketplace armors would be craftable  their crafting cost would be much higher than their marketplace price . Just try to craft heraldic tunic for 8k  gl with that . Some prices on the marketplace are very disturbing  and totally wrecking economy. It just need revision

Re: Market place - Hablam - 03-11-2013

have you even though about new players, or poor people? they can't afford that much, the 30k is alot for a new player tbh

Re: Market place - Lone_Wolf_PL - 03-11-2013

(03-11-2013, 10:12 AM)Hablam link Wrote: have you even though about new players, or poor people? they can't afford that much, the 30k is alot for a new player tbh

Yea, I tottaly agree with you. If someone wants better armor, he/she should craft it but armors in shop should stay as they are. Because if you are a new player with only one character you won't afford expensive stuff.

Re: Market place - Sudoku_killer - 03-11-2013

yea I thought  fix this and . low lv craftsmen will start to earn eventually
I was low lvl too  u know

Re: Market place - madjsoh - 03-11-2013

(03-11-2013, 10:12 AM)Hablam link Wrote: have you even though about new players, or poor people? they can't afford that much, the 30k is alot for a new player tbh

hablam is right, making money is hard enough as is atm, i think think that the marketplace items should be changed.....but the price is one thing i feel should remain cheap :p. after all it is us that suffer when team mates die leading to an eventual wipe Sad

Re: Market place - Maroon - 03-11-2013

Dude, 30k when I hit tier 4 for the first time was freakin' massive. The differences between marketplace, craftabel, and house craftable have always been tiny, so new players don't have a massive disadvantage compared to senior players.
High end armors have always been more of a statement of your vast amounts of money, and it should stay that way, imo.

Re: Market place - Sudoku_killer - 03-11-2013

What insanity a u saying man its enough to go 3 or 2 times on hard and u get this money from exp.
Not mention 8k for 3 tier marketplace armor while craftable 3 tier is about 50 k in mats.

Is it logical to u dude

Re: Market place - Maroon - 03-11-2013

(03-11-2013, 02:30 PM)Sudoku_killer link Wrote: What insanity a u saying man its enough to go 3 or 2 times on hard and u get this money from exp.
Not mention 8k for 3 tier marketplace armor while craftable 3 tier is about 50 k in mats.

Is it logical to u dude

I don't know what got into you today, but I'll try and snap you out of it.
First, "u" is not a word. "You" is.
Secondly, a full ragnarok run gets me about 100k exp, which translates to 20k gold. A full set of tier 4 marketplace will cost you 30k (body armor) + 9k (head armor) + 14k (boots) = 53k.
Now, a full ragnarok run is rare, especially for a new player, and the same goed for Hard Mode. 53k gold translates to 265k assist exp, that just about every new player would rather put in ranged/melee than in gold. And there is absolutely no way to get 265k assist exp from "3 or 2 times on hard", even if you'd manage to stay alive all waves, and all of those runs would reach wave 20.
So no, it is not "logical to u dude".
Again, do you research, and stop insulting people who are actually thinking here and in your other thread.

Re: Market place - Sudoku_killer - 03-11-2013

So u did ur math and what that's mean that after 2  or even 1 weak u got that money or even more easily
I didn't insult anyone ok ur post was totally missed so I asked u to rethink

Re: Market place - Maroon - 03-11-2013

(03-11-2013, 03:03 PM)Sudoku_killer link Wrote: So u did ur math and what that's mean that after 2  or even 1 weak u got that money or even more easily

Well then, that's a pretty solid goal for new players, isn't it? Or would you rather have new people struggle for a month to get some gear going?

Also, this:
(03-11-2013, 02:30 PM)Sudoku_killer link Wrote: What insanity a u saying man

and this:
(03-11-2013, 02:06 PM)Sudoku_killer link Wrote:Snizel pls don't  be silly im playing this mod 3 yrs ok I know about forum , we actually posting on it right now if u didn't notice , just think over what I propose  ok than post

Is not quite friendly to your fellow forumers. And the fact that I point out flaws in your reasoning doesn't mean that my post "was totally missed".