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Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - Printable Version

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Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - token5gtd - 18-05-2014

Both were insisting that I and two to three other players leave Hard_EU2 so they could fight a losing battle on their own.  They refused to kill last as long as the dead players remained in the server.  (apologies for huge pics)[Image: vS6esBg.jpg][Image: 6JdJOK1.jpg][Image: 0nWjgVG.jpg]

Re: Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - iMarc7 - 18-05-2014

we did hard work on that map and played long. We only asked for let us play alone, because after the spawn we are all dead and after the long time.
I know so much guys which say unfriendly leave please or something, we only asked friendly and waited for a answer. Elan said no he dont leave and he is now with us in the server. We dont told you that you must leave.

Re: Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - Dark_Robin - 18-05-2014

There was nothing wrong with what they did, they wanted to play alone. I would say just respect that, there are other servers dude.

I was there, as can be seen by the chat logs.

Re: Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - Leberkas - 18-05-2014

It is also not true, that we wanted to leave dead players, we wanted to finish a run in wich we had invested much time.. and we also were not loosing .

Re: Report Players: FF_MrUnknown & FF_Leberkas - Hande - 18-05-2014

If you want to play alone, play in a event server!
I'm sick of this kind of behavior. That old angry Hande is coming back soon if you guys keep this going on.

Take this as a warning. Locking.