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Make some of the EU servers US - Printable Version

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Make some of the EU servers US - Freddy_Krueger_of_MandB - 15-07-2012

I don't know if it's possible but something that bugs me is that there are WAY more EU servers than US. I took some screens that show how annoying it is. I want to play but both normal US servers are full.

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Jarold - 15-07-2012

agreed, maybe take one EU server at put it as the old Texas server. NI_Normal_USTEX.

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Barristan - 15-07-2012

EU servers are much cheaper than US ones. We are aware that the US is maxing out it's servers and we will be discussing what to do about it shortly. I for one am very happy to see the US community growing so fast.

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Hypernoma - 15-07-2012

That's not how it works... We have a designated box here in the EU which can host as many servers as we wish without costing any more money. We tried using a US dedicated box but that nearly wiped out the US community. We will be looking at whether or not more US servers are required.

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Galen_Thalheimer - 16-07-2012

(15-07-2012, 09:07 AM)Hypernoma link Wrote: That's not how it works... We have a designated box here in the EU which can host as many servers as we wish without costing any more money. We tried using a US dedicated box but that nearly wiped out the US community. We will be looking at whether or not more US servers are required.

Well, it wasn't the dedicated box that it, it was the lag on the dedicated box that did it.

What was the quality/perf difference between the US/EU servers that made it so much different?

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Ser_Karel_Mormont - 17-07-2012

Erhm bigger EU based playerbase? So start promoting it amongst your fellow US based players and make it so big they will have to add more servers! Wink
When Chibbi and me started playing this mod ( Back in July 2011 or it might have been before that), we sent out so many referral links our hands cramped up and both had made thousands of creds and assist exp for referring! Big Grin

PS: Don't touch le EU servers! I will eat your children!

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Arctic_Howler - 31-07-2012

Least you could see activity in the US servers...first time i tried to play...the hard USWEST server was the one i went to(I live on the west coast...) and the Normal one doesn't work shows on the list but loops infinitely with downloading map 0kb even though i have the map... however the only servers that ever have activity is the US east normal for the US servers...and it's rarely full...let alone my ping is so high I have issues from time to time...

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Jalau - 31-07-2012

and often there are no people on the us server! Wink

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Holo Steel - 31-07-2012

It's because we go to the EU servers cause there are people there.

Re: Make some of the EU servers US - Jalau - 31-07-2012

yeah could be!