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WTS some craftmats
168 x Old Boots
129 x Crooked Stick
185 x Cloth
110 x Wood
156 x Bent Sword
4 x Metal
20 x Bone Shard
48 x Bone Powder
6 x Leather
1 x Steel
30 x Coal
10 x Shade Ore
2 x Mystic Charm
86 x Sparkly Necklace
8 x Twisted String
31 x Worm Root
89 x Hydra Leaf
36 x Nem Flower
11 x Antiseptic Cloth
7 x Heavy Cloth
1 x Hardened Metal
29 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
22 x Needle
1 x Raven Feather
1 x Wood of Glasir
1 x Sulphur
1 x Water of Hvergelmir
[Image: unbenannt4q62ra9gvf.png]
[Image: unbenanntsf9hye1bjl.png]
Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man

Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man_II
Chosen Marksman

Steamname: matthias[IR_Nr59]
All the old boots, crooked sticks and bent swords for 40k
All Old Boots swords Croked sticks 42k
I dont sell my bent sword boots and crooked stick for max. 60 -65k
[Image: unbenannt4q62ra9gvf.png]
[Image: unbenanntsf9hye1bjl.png]
Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man

Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man_II
Chosen Marksman

Steamname: matthias[IR_Nr59]
All of boots, swords and sticks for 100k or scale.
Sword of destiny has two edges, one is you, the other is death. A. Sapkowski "The Witcher"
IGN: Aegis_Gwynbleidd, Aegis_Magister, Aegis_Jaskier
20 x Bone Shard-> 6000 300g each
7 x Old Boots
2 x Crooked Stick
188 x Cloth
734 x Wood
16 x Bent Sword
4 x Metal
40 x Bone Shard
48 x Bone Powder
6 x Leather
1 x Steel
30 x Coal
32 x Shade Ore
15 x Mystic Charm
120 x Sparkly Necklace
9 x Twisted String
31 x Worm Root
89 x Hydra Leaf
36 x Nem Flower
14 x Antiseptic Cloth
8 x Heavy Cloth
1 x Hardened Metal
20 x Quality Charcoal
30 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
22 x Needle
2 x Raven Feather
1 x Wood of Glasir
1 x Sulphur
1 x Water of Hvergelmir
[Image: unbenannt4q62ra9gvf.png]
[Image: unbenanntsf9hye1bjl.png]
Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man

Name: [LoC]The_Social_Man_II
Chosen Marksman

Steamname: matthias[IR_Nr59]
40 bone shard 12k?

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