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Flying mounts instead of horsies
Hmm how about some flying mounts instead of horses? they wouldnt mess up ai or the maps. just a basically idea.
Wusel @ Omnia
i know this mod isnt exactly going for complete realism but this is where i would draw the line, i dont think there were flying mounts in any era gonna say no to this one
PEW PEW!!!! PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!
PK_Wolfsblood: Prince kills 2 , thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsfang: thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsclaw: prince kills 2, Thor kills 1, odin kills 1
PK_Wolfman: prince kills 1
Hmmm well jeah, i mean it is definitely not realistic ( resurect e.g.) but igot your point. For me personally i wouldnt mind if ther would be a bit more fantasy Smile but thats up to the devs.
Wusel @ Omnia
let me clarify, its not that i dislike fantasy, if anything i am a huge nerd when it comes to fantasy (lotr/warhammer nerd :Smile  ) but when i think of this mod i dont wanna think of flying mounts, ie dragons ect
PEW PEW!!!! PEW PEW PEW!!!!!!!
PK_Wolfsblood: Prince kills 2 , thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsfang: thor kills 1
PK_Wolfsclaw: prince kills 2, Thor kills 1, odin kills 1
PK_Wolfman: prince kills 1

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