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Removing Legacy of a Hero and Primeslayer
Wouldn't making this quests account bound solve a lot of issues? This could prevent people from being hell bent on getting the kill as they need a specific boss to finish the quest on multiple chars. This would give people the freedom to try to get the quest done on any char they would like to do the quest on, it would also slightly reduce the inflation of gold (for example a small team could do this quest on times the servers are almost empty and "game" the quests so they can make millions.) This influx of gold might look harmless but in the long run this makes buying items for the less fortunate players even harder.

Regarding the NI market, the number of players that play fluctuates wildly, in some weeks multiple servers are filled, in others they are all empty. The item market is even more difficult. In bigger games there is almost always somebody willing to sell certain items. In NI it is possible that not a single player is selling the item that you want or they are trying to get more for it by not declaring that they are selling it. Unless you introduce something like a token based loot system it will be very hard to balance this. The main issue with this is that if you make the token items worse than the craftables they will be useless to a lot of players. If you make them better that will hurt the already horrible crafted items market (except some support items I'd say). Putting them in line with legendaries would be even worse. (sorry for the OT but if you look at this OP it mentions the two quests but if you broaden it the item market is closely related to this).

What could actually help the NI market might be the option to upgrade legendary items. Say you upgrade an item for 50hm and have to pay 1hm per hour to keep the item in the upgraded state(preferable use something else than hm). After it runs out the item returns to the usual state. This would give people something to spend their crafting materials on after they have gotten the legendaries they want and will give newer players a chance to make money by selling those items. It might even be an idea to add an item that isn't used for crafting to give players the choice to sell the material or to upgrade an item they are using. An other possibility would be an option to combine crafting materials to create an upgrade item that can be sold or used by the player. My main point is that the NI market could use something that actually requires the crafting materials that many players have stockpiled. The devs can easily find out which crafting material is sitting on accounts unused most. (I know something like this might have been suggested before but it would be great to actually have this.)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Removing Legacy of a Hero and Primeslayer - by Leandero - 27-11-2017, 05:25 PM

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