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Return Mangler and Blessed Penetrator
(13-02-2018, 01:27 AM)Jalau Wrote: I will join your ultimatum. Oh wait... I already left because the mod is dead and the game design changes are so unpredictable that it ruins the mod for me. You can't constantly change everything around if you plan on having a stable and working economy. Remember when imperial and defender items where craftables? The patch back then gave the owners of these crafted items a huge amount of value because it changed them into legendaries. How stupid is that? You can't just change an already crafted item into a legendary one. It is annoying as hell. Same for the tiger scale and efs change and the many valsgarde changes. Same as the many other changes that have been made to existing items. That is not how a rpg is supposed to handle items. Rule number one when it comes to rpg items: Only nerf or buff them if they are ridiculously unbalanced and if you wish to add a new legendary, rename the old one, change its texture and add a new item with the old texture. Make up your mind dev team and think before creating items that are shifted around for years. This mod is supposed to take very long to "complete" and thus you need to give the players an item structure that they can trust in. How should you build your class and aquire equipment if you are changing it constantly? Stop changing items like this or make the progression faster to create a good game.
I did not want to touch upon the theme of transforming Imperial and Defender into legendary items. as well as the transformation of Grinded helm (I do not exactly remember the name "60 armor on t3 inf") in Grifon bascinet. because at that time I was not. but except that it was complete nonsense. so also some players knew about the fact that the items will be changed. so for example Grinded heml massively bought at auction. it was done by those who learned about the changes before they were released.
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RE: Return Mangler and Blessed Penetrator - by Akanamah - 13-02-2018, 01:48 AM

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