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Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me!
I was thinking about the skirmisher and how op and really not true skirmish where atm

i was thinking more like this:
range: javelins, axes (true nord style),darts (optional) all with with a cover of a
melee: a axe and a small shield or sometimes no shield at all at a increase of throwing weapons
armour: lightly armoured (because they not designed to kill archers and lightly armour units from range, they flee before the enemy tries melee's them)
skills: medium-high throwing skill and a good agility
description: designed to weaken the enemy before other other units join combat this lightly armour units are
the best againstĀ  archers and weakly armour players, but they aren't an match against a heavy armoured players or shielded
the disadvantage of long lines is that people get lost in the text

Messages In This Thread
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 05-01-2012, 06:41 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by scott_slod - 16-01-2012, 05:36 PM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Sphinx - 29-03-2012, 01:47 AM
Re: Enemy Troops! Throw your best ideas at me! - by Leturoa - 28-05-2013, 10:55 AM

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