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Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal)
I really like the hard mod, it's a new challenge for high level and it's a pleasure to play with fellow good players as we have more teamwork and everybody knows his place.

Normal mod is still a challenge to reach high tier bots waves, even more as there is less high level playing, tbh i didn't see the knight since hard mod (we did quite often before, not only on JeldanWink).
When i'm on normal mod, as a high level, i play soft, not attacking the 8 first waves except if bots reach our archers. The problem is that as high level you could make tons of loot on low tier waves (even without 8 first wave i was still making around 10k a day).

But i guess it's harder now for low level, it's rare that they pass 10 waves and they make a lot less assist xp.
Dunno what is solution to bring back high level to normal mod, may be 50% loot, or 50% xp and 100% loot (high level are more interested in loot than in xp), or may be something teamwork oriented: high level gain loot only if a % of low level player are still alive, or no loot untill a certain number of waves.
I'm sure dev team will find something that fit to everybody and promote teamwork, on normal mod, high level are here to help low level not to farm...
[URL=http://""]"Tu vois, le monde se divise en deux catégories, ceux qui ont un pistolet chargé et ceux qui creusent. Toi tu creuse. "[/URL]

Messages In This Thread
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 06:56 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Blondin - 24-01-2012, 12:05 PM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 06:50 PM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 25-01-2012, 07:07 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 29-01-2012, 12:18 AM

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