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Ethics and Being a Good Person
(23-07-2016, 02:47 AM)Lirania Wrote: Your "hopping onto a thread and pushing it off Topic" isn´t any better. Jump of your Throne you´re not any better.
See here:

(23-07-2016, 02:47 AM)Malong Wrote: So you would rather a user not defend their points nor counter other points?
Quote Board is on Discord (last updated 2024.06.13)
"When I feel bad, I read your quote board." - Corndog

Tofu: People call Tricksters racist, yet we have the most Muslim members of any house.
PCK: If Islam is a religion of peace, and Tricksters have the most Muslims, then is House of Tricksters the house of peace?
Falankos: I always knew that we were the good guys.
[Malong] is really nice.
I can see the point you are making Malong. 
But I don't think the purpose of the thread were to force people to be overly pleasant towards each other, just to decease the hostility  towards new players.
On a scale from Saccharin to Hostile, lets find somewhere in between.

Regarding the loot-system, I already made my point clear. If you did not get the legendary drop, walk it off. Smile
Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)
(20-07-2016, 08:44 PM)Fury Wrote: People have to know the difference between inexperienced players and players that don't care to learn. I would like the community to be wanting to help the inexperienced players because it would help the entire community out the more knowledge the playerbase is

This +1000. 

That's the whole thing, new players that are looking to learn and trying to, or new players that are arrogant, and sometimes even bullying or trying to, because they could be in a group. But that's about people, it doesn't have anything to do with your gear or loots.

It's fun because I see some of you being hypocrits by posting here and "suggesting" some stuff, meanwhile you're asking people to behave and you've been more than an arrogant, ungrateful piece of ...  .You have my point about this. I am not pointing anyone of you, but please, seriously, stop with the hypocrisy, check your attitude and behaviour that you have with the people since you've been "richer", even the way you say hi to others IF YOU DO, and it's not even about the whole "elitist thing", because some of these people are just staying alone. 

As for the post, CptOle, I think you had the best intentions of the world by doing it, but it won't work, it's not about looting, sh*theads are sh*theads, with loot or not, it's just that having legendaries, looted or not, could just help marking it more than you were before. 

And before anyone says that I am salty or exactly reacting negatively to some people have looted my answer is : No, people that doesn't have a single atom of respect, could have or not gears, money or whatever you want, won't have respect, even if they acted like they did before.

And yes a group of people, with no gear tried to bully me once, because they didn't want a Royal Guard in a run(normal run, they were 3-5 guys), and caded in a way so I couldn't shield either. Most of them were newbloods, but they were brought by a guy whom was here for like a year or something, and this is not even about any "elitist" group or person, just people behaving badly, even if you warned them about the cading spot and asked them to leave a gap and have been insulted an entire run in result of the process of trying to help them not to die basically.

- LordChaos (Legionnaire):  Armorsmith
- Kingsguard (Royal Guard):Blacksmith
- Swadian_Hunter (Archer) Jobless
- The_Impaler (Pikeman): Achemist 
- House Crafting: Defender 

01/04/16: Nothing
To tell the ture "Ethics and Being a Good Person" is not something you can teach it something you learn so i would find it amazing if the people that you claim that fit your criteria find this and learn from a post on the internet.

|Steam| |Some Shop| |VLKA Recruitment| |Legendary Stats|Legendary Item Thread|                                                                                            
(24-07-2016, 08:19 AM)LordChaos Wrote: (...) sh*theads are sh*theads, with loot or not (...)
Sad but true...
@ Woody: I'm affraid you're right, still +1 to CaptOle for this thread. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" E. Burke. Words too big for the occassion ofc, still...

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