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Screenshot Thread!
(06-05-2012, 07:15 AM)Feryll link Wrote: Couldn't kill that one.

Those rifts in the fabric of reality are a real bitch...
SB_Talgion_Cheeseliker (Commando/Militia)
SB_Hyrpyndyrpyn_IV (Skirmisher)
Pretty sure this is the first successful duo of Thor
Gratz to Daenerys and Achilleus!
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Not first i know certain two ppl who have done it
are we really the first duo???
were there solos?
thanks for the screenshotSmile
i forgot to take one Tongue
we died at wave 17 when anohter player made bots moving wrong way -.-
(23-05-2012, 04:32 PM)JOPO link Wrote: Not first i know certain two ppl who have done it

Who Oo? Before cav removal?
Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

No longer active.
Killing Prince? Meh, by now everyone's been there, done that. How about using... rocks? And how about repeating that feat a couple more times for good measure?

Exhibit A: The group wipes on wave 20 except for a commando (Daenerys) and my pikeman. Daenerys fends off any stray huscarls that wander by too closely, leaving me to pick off the Prince with rocks:


Here's another: The group wipes on wave 19, leaving my pikeman to finish the wave up alone and take on the Prince, David vs. Goliath style again:


Last one: The group wipes on wave 17, leaving my pikeman to finish up wave 17 and solo waves 18 and 19 (!) before taking on the Prince. Clearing out the massive wave 19 by chucking rocks was... arduous. But, success!


I'd like to thank all the newbies and doubters who came in to the servers and, despite my informing them that there would be no more spawns left, continued to tell me to "stop running and just die", "you can't kill anything with stones", "you can't win this", "when is the next spawn wave", "stop trolling", etc. They gave me the much-needed entertainment and motivation to persevere.

Bonus: Solo Thor Kill!

Only about 4 of the group makes it to Thor wave alive, and the remaining 3 soon meet their deaths at the hands of Chosens. All by himself now, my sniper kites the entire boss pack through an obstacle course (by our spawn, formed by the low stone walls and tables near the health pot) repeatedly, each time hoping that during the traffic and confusion Thor would separate from his pack long enough for me to squeeze off a shot or two. After a few dozen laps and many arrows spent, my sniper finally land enough shots to take out Thor:


In conclusion, Swadian Overgrown is currently a ridiculous kitefest of a map, and I fully expect Hande to turn his attention toward "enhancing" this map soon enough. Until then, happy kiting!
Main Characters: Lanseril (L.52 Sniper), Grundus (L.52 Pikeman), Eledwyn (L.49 Commando), Rutgard (L.52 Sharpshooter)

Does your house dare to face the Prince? Take Vlka Fenryka's Dominate the Prince! challenge.
Nice, Lanseril. Some strange feats yet again. That sounds like some amazing perseverance.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
Don't need to nerf the map... just need to nerf lanseril.
Congrats Lans!

Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of determination and probability.

2nd Knight forever!

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