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Naval Glaive and Hurricane Giveaway
21.05.2018 - Fell Edge
23.05.2018 - Zephyr
2488085 Naval Glaive

14.05.2018 Typhoon
20.05.2018 Mortifer
2523112 - Naval Glaive
2497139 - naval glaive
2527346 naval glavie pls
21.04.2018 Dragon Axe
03.06.2018 Heavy Sallet
06.06.2018 Imperial Halplate -Red
01.02.2019 Royal Helmet
10.02.2019 Penetrator
12.02.2019 Eagle Crossbow
05.05.2019 Plate Over Leather
16.07.2019 Excalibur
Reminder that the giveaway ends tomorrow. The next round will begin shortly after that.
Sniper ID: 2436442

Hurricane Bow

Thanks for consideration Smile
2525256 for the naval Smile
Loots : 44
2437878 for Hurricane
Imperial_Eagle, Legionnaire
Zweiter_Imperial_Eagle, Zweihander
Puma, Chosen Marksman
Fennec_Fox, Master Peltast
Another_Imperial_Eagle, Sentinel

Krex, please PM me for the Naval Glaive.
Sinner, please PM me for the Hurricane.

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