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Auction: Mangler
you can bid here for 1 x Mangler. 
Start: 2.000.000
Step: minimum +100.000 please
End: Saturday 18 PM GMT+1

Have fun Smile
Loots:Hurricane, 2xThanos Legacy,Barbutte with Coif,Gothic Gauntlets,Dragon Sword,Durendal,Ornate Bascinet,Tiger Scale Armor,Mangler,Rending Bolts
Solo Runs:
- Hard -> All maps done
- Ragnarok -> Old Shire/Swadian Outskirts/First Defence died W15
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2.2m i guess
My Steam: Link
My Shop: Link
My Loots: 47 (43 unique items, 4 doubles)
2.3m Smile
Legendary loots : 46
2.4m idk why
Legendary loots: 39
Soloed Normal, Hard, Ragnarok , Cav. 
2.5m why not
|| My Steam ||
[Image: YNqPp8t.png]
Legendary loots : 46
2.7 mil
Legendary loots: 39
Soloed Normal, Hard, Ragnarok , Cav. 
Legendary loots : 46
     My Shop    My Steam

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