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Royal Knights [RK]
[glow=red,2,300]Event News[/glow]

Event: This Friday 19:00 GMT (German, Netherlands: 20:00)
Maps: 1. Hidden Cave  2. Mounten Outpost

Time remaining:

Come 15 minutes before start on teamspreak.

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
Congratulation RapTor,

You are promoted!  Welcome in the ranks of the leader

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
Congratulation RapToR!

We have 2 new members: [RK]_Ranger and Racer
FF_Skywalker- Marauder
FF_Skywallker- Warden
FF_Skywalllker- Zweihänder
Dont forget we also have event tomorrow.
Skywalker will take care for it isn't skywalker?

I thought it started arount 18:45 GMT
Be at teamspreak on time
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
The event was a lot of fun. We almost beat prince  Smile
Our next event will be:

Event: This Friday 19:00 GMT (German, Netherlands: 20:00)
Maps: 1. Hidden Cave  2. Mounten Outpost

Time remaining:

Come 15 minutes before start on teamspreak.

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
[glow=red,2,300]Event News[/glow]

Still have no information about the Hard event tomorrow, so it won't be. BUT I'M NOT SURE!! (Ask Skywalker for it, Update come hopefully fast)

But for the event this friday:
Time: 19:00 GMT  (German, Netherland 20:00)
Date: This Friday 17 May
Beginning map: Great Hall
Next map: Mounten Pass
-Be 15 min before start in Teamspreak.
-You will get Password at Teamspreak.

And of course, the timer  Big Grin
We mayby could make a open event this day or mayby next time. But i'm not sure.
Do you have friend who would like to join us? Ask it to me at Teamspreak or ask it to me at Steam (Lord_Basmen -> BlackKnight)
Hope to see you there guy's

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
Tomorrow also event at 18:45 GMT
Be there!

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8

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