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WTB  eagle crossbow
well all my items that i could offer are:

- fell edge
- warmonger
- huntress
- dragon halberd
- thanos legacy
- griffon bascinet
- heavy repeater crossbow
- swadian boots
- swadian gauntlets
- swadian hope
- plate mittens
- shc
- heavy bear gauntlets
- heavy bear armour
- prob. soon ebony arrows
- 1m cash
- Dark Gothic Plate January 31st, 2017 | King Ragnar
- Noble Steel Gauntlets October 5th, 2017 | Nord Prince
- Eastern Blade February 10th, 2018 | Nord Prince
- Checkered Heavy Lamellar March 30th, 2019 | Chosen Valkyrie
- Volundr Greatsword December 28th, 2019 | King Ragnar

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