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    Thread: WTK Lederhosen
Post: RE: WTK Lederhosen

That's not true Fara, Fred got a set and I got a set as well, but our sets are not for sale. So we can't give you a price..
Sinister Soldier Armours 3 1,093 29-04-2017, 11:28 AM
    Thread: Plate over Leather
Post: RE: Plate over Leather

Seems like you're not looking for Imperal Armour anymore.
Sinister Soldier Armours 3 1,637 28-04-2017, 10:07 AM
    Thread: Five Years of NordInvasion
Post: RE: Five Years of NordInvasion

Those were the days! Happy 5 years!
Sinister Soldier News & Updates 13 8,959 24-11-2016, 08:02 PM
    Thread: WTS Barrel
Post: RE: WTS Barrel

What about just donating it to me?
Sinister Soldier Support 3 1,371 30-10-2016, 08:44 PM
    Thread: WTB Twiggs
Post: RE: WTB Twiggs

Fateeh is selling his twigs. for 60m +
Sinister Soldier Weapons 2 1,227 20-10-2016, 02:32 PM
    Thread: Imperial Armour Blue
Post: RE: Imperial Armour Blue

You made a mistake, you should've bought the Red Imperial, now nobody is going to buy it, because it's the blue one..
Sinister Soldier Armours 4 1,349 23-09-2016, 02:15 PM
    Thread: Wardens of the South [Currently Recruiting, No required level]
Post: RE: Wardens of the South [Currently Recruiting, No...

Mooi man! :) - groeten uit Nederland Dom.
Sinister Soldier Recruitment 231 142,677 22-09-2016, 04:44 PM
    Thread: WTB: Sun Pike
Post: RE: WTB: Sun Pike

Sinister Soldier Weapons 3 1,274 21-09-2016, 07:45 PM
    Thread: The Legendary Item Thread
Post: RE: The Legendary Item Thread (Last Update 20/03/1...

I think the Royal Winged Helmet is missing in the OP. Or did they remove it?
Sinister Soldier Strategies and Guides 3,663 2,155,768 15-09-2016, 02:45 PM
    Thread: Swadian Halfplate / Heraldic Transitional
Post: RE: Swadian Halfplate / Heraldic Transitional

Sinister Soldier Armours 2 1,169 12-09-2016, 06:37 PM
    Thread: The Legendary Item Thread
Post: RE: The Legendary Item Thread (Last Update 20/03/1...

I was the one who started all this Hurricane Cloth stuff :P and now it's actually a legendary you probably can't use, awesome. ;)
Sinister Soldier Strategies and Guides 3,663 2,155,768 12-09-2016, 11:54 AM
    Thread: WTK/S: VGS
Post: RE: WTK/S: VGS

What are you interested in?
Sinister Soldier Weapons 2 1,025 08-09-2016, 07:44 PM
    Thread: AGS / Swadian Hope / Dragon Halb
Post: RE: AGS / Aurora / Swadian Hope

How about me just taking them because we are friends?
Sinister Soldier Weapons 2 1,265 23-08-2016, 12:21 PM
    Thread: Ailadrodd/Volundr Greatsword/Stag Bow
Post: RE: Ailadrodd/Volundr Greatsword/Stag Bow

What is Ailadrodd?
Sinister Soldier Weapons 2 1,151 28-06-2016, 11:57 AM
    Thread: Swadian Banner
Post: RE: Swadian Banner

When did you win it, Glenn?
Sinister Soldier Healer 9 8,085 08-06-2016, 12:44 PM
    Thread: WTB Hurricane
Post: RE: WTB Hurricane

Like what? :)
Sinister Soldier Weapons 3 1,477 25-05-2016, 09:04 PM
    Thread: WT Give Away Fiendish Bow
Post: RE: WT Give Away Fiendish Bow

ON_Sinister_Archer 19032
Sinister Soldier Weapons 69 21,773 09-05-2016, 07:23 PM
    Thread: PitchFork
Post: RE: PitchFork, fang of Fenrir

What are you looking for?
Sinister Soldier Weapons 5 1,998 05-05-2016, 04:28 PM
    Thread: WTS Trans Blue
Post: RE: WTS Trans Blue

Sinister Soldier Armours 1 768 02-05-2016, 05:20 PM
    Thread: WTK Wulfsbane
Post: RE: WTK Wulfsbane

I'd say 7-10m.
Sinister Soldier Weapons 3 1,024 30-04-2016, 03:15 PM