23-11-2013, 02:07 PM
Hey want to sell some crafting mats
pm me your offer. I need cash
130 x Bone Shard
12 x Coal
2 x Shade Ore
5 x Woven Steel
17 x Hardened Metal
20 x Armor Plate
1 x Bear Fur
11 x Wood of Glasir
3 x Sulphur
1 x Copper Bar
pm me your offer. I need cash

130 x Bone Shard
12 x Coal
2 x Shade Ore
5 x Woven Steel
17 x Hardened Metal
20 x Armor Plate
1 x Bear Fur
11 x Wood of Glasir
3 x Sulphur
1 x Copper Bar
WR_Tyr -- Pikeman + WR_Ullr -- Sniper
Loots: 1 x Fell Edge
Loots: 1 x Fell Edge