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WTK/WTB: Fiendish Bow
Hello everyone,
I would like to know how much I have to pay for that nice bow, because I have been looking for one since I have started playing NordInvasion.
Just PM or post it here, then we can discuss about what you are going to get for the bow.
Btw an Ebony Bow will be in the trade as a replacement.
Greets Tarrod
[Image: Tarbs.jpg]
"I wish the germans would have melt the Eiffel Tower and make tanks to kill the french" - not telling
"I ain´t gonna drop my stuff for these guys" - Wambo
"What do you call the german Secret Service? -  SS" - not telling
Got a Stag Bow instead.
Thank you for the deal.

EDIT: Looking for a Fiendish Bow for Spetzle now.
Closed temporary due to the issue, that we Do not have enough to offer atm.

Greets Tarrod
[Image: Tarbs.jpg]
"I wish the germans would have melt the Eiffel Tower and make tanks to kill the french" - not telling
"I ain´t gonna drop my stuff for these guys" - Wambo
"What do you call the german Secret Service? -  SS" - not telling

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