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WTS Green Mats
Want to sell this

1 x Raven Feather
7 x Water of Hvergelmir
2 or more WoG for about 30/32k each?
Prince: 11x  (twice in 1 hour)  Torturer: 39x
Ragnar: 4x                              Nord War Marshal: 9x
Thor: Not my Brother!             Loke: 5x
Odin: 2x                                 Nord Siege Cpt: 19x
Princess Dortea: 1x               ALCHEMIST LEVEL 18!
Got KICKED to death by HANDE twice  || looted 30+ Aketons
I will buy all three for Wood of Glasir for Wood of 102k
<17:27:38> "Sargent Q": i don't want to play with you tonight
30k per WoG?
150k for all 5 of them.

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