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WTS mats (updated)
i Currently have :

20 x Basic Leather
1 x Shade Ore
11 x Sparkly Necklace

10 x Assorted Ammunition
21 x Antiseptic Cloth
47 x Heavy Cloth
32 x Sturdy Wood
32 x Chain
4 x Chain Links
11 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
27 x Bone Shard
22 x Bone Powder
281 x Worm Root
404 x Hydra Leaf
423 x Spurn Berry
457 x Nem Flower
54 x Rough Cloth

Post Offers below, PMs to be ignored
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues
Bear fur for 18.5k
My legendary loots:
Gloves of Vidar
Leviathan's Helmet
Gothic Plate
Scorn x 2
Houses: CC->Aegis->LK->DB->Tricksters->LH
3800 for your string.
Flick - 52 Sniper
Balinor - 52 Pikeman
GheerBox - 43 SS
Kahlan - 32 Sergeant
[Image: 76561197995845485.png]
2 black steel for 16k?
SK_Alduin- Warden
SK_Alduin_II- Commando
SK_Alduin_III- Master Peltast
SK_Alduin_IV- Pavise Champion

Nord Prince Kills: 13
King Ragnar Kills: 6
Thor Kills: 2
Odin Kills: 2
He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.
Sun Tzu
nice and updated
Map Thread

Message me on discord or steam from NA server issues

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