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WTK/WTB ebony/ Elmwood/kings will
I would like to get one of these nice bows.

I would like to know the draw speed and the damage of these 2 bows.

And if you have one. I'll buy it. I have medium end commando stuff.

Defender gauntlet
boarding axe
17 wog
12 water
ss bow
And a few more mats

Pm me please
[Image: 76561198069110595.png]

Dragon Halberd
Thanos Legacy
Studded Gauntlets
Vagabond Helmet

| darklit | Esox | Isoptera | Bombina | Branta | Agnus | Caridea| Hyla |
Kings Will

Damage: 36 Pierce
Speed: 85
Accuracy: 100
Shoot Speed: 58
Weight: 1
Useable By: Sniper

When you give me the Matierial for it then i can craft u one.
Angel Attacker House: Walhalla (lvl 30)
         Supporter House: Olymp (Lvl 38)
         Defender House: Nirvana (Lvl 31)


         Royal Helmet
         Sun Glaive
         Vulcanic Daggers
         Dragon Breath
         Ancient Greatsword

  Listen to some Special Doumbek Drum Jam Music & visit my Youtube Channels: Danielviraheit  Smile
Ebony Bow

88 Speed Rating
99 Accuracy
58 Shoot/Missile Speed
1 Weight
Usable by:

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