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Report HM_Quedbear/ HellishRellish
both were leeching for the entire time up until wave 17 that's when we died, they still did nothing just standing next to ammo box and then when i confronted Quadbear he said "suck my dick". [Image: 47F84056DBB8686E268106D2AE9B38804FB30E96] as you can see both has 0 kills even though it's wave 16.
[Image: AE1057800A809B0700176A51FF5272225357A12D] as you can see bear is standing next to ammo box doing nothing.
[Image: FAE4140C5779F72396044B84BDAA4419083F9ADE] this is when he said suck my dick when i confronted him.
[Image: 478F8B23F2A080A641D64D02ABEA0C701D189CC5] and here is him saying bad jokes.
[Image: 9ACBBAB9DD7E4BA8BF7D3C79CB92AAC30DE0C277] and here is him when another guy was asking how do you get that helmet responded with "just unequip all your shit dumbass"
Probably still gone
Thank you for the report.

Both players parties have been Warned

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