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[Closed] Server Loading Problem

So this started happening yesterday. The game starts loading the servers really fast (mostly the NA ones[I do not live near NA, i connect to the EU servers. Also seems to be just the empty servers that it loads]) and then really slows down to the point where it stops loading servers with ~400 left (This is including filtering all other-mod servers). I can't load all the servers; the ones people are playing on. Must be connection related, but my connection is pretty stable and this just started happening yesterday out of the blue. I tried launching other M&B mods to make sure it's not just NI servers I can't connect to, and same thing happens there.. Starts loading really fast then slows down, and eventually stops, loading ~1/4 of the servers it was supposed to.

Don't know if that makes any sense to anyone. But any ideas?
So if i read this correctly, Your game does not load the EU servers now? Just the NA ones? There are some filters that can be messed with to change where you see servers from. Personally i would check the Ping filter first. I can say that the EU servers are up and working.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q
I've had problems loading the Warband server list before. It ended up being my DSL modem choking on so many connections at once (Warband pings each server on the list to get the server status which means hundreds of connections in a short period of time). My solution at the time was to use the favourites list. It took several refreshes to get all the servers on the list. Waiting a few minutes between refreshes also helped. Eventually, I got a new modem and no longer have that problem.
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...
If you´re just playing this 1 mod of Mount&Blade add all the NI servers to your favourites, problem solved. I had it several times when playing native or other mods again where I had to load the entire list.

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