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WTB SS Equipment
Looking for-
Heavy Kettle Helmet
Ornate Espada
How much would you offer for my Heavy Kettle Helmet?
Tell me wat u offer for both items i have them both
- Legendaries Found -
Wormbane - 30/12/2012
Twigs of Yggdrasil -11/01/2012
Dwarf Axe - 22/11/2016
Plated Over Leather - 24/11/2016
Gloves of Vidar - 24/02/2018
30k for kettle
50k for espada
I can sell you ornate espada for 40k.
Edit: It's on the AH now.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
I can sell you a heavy Kattle Helmet for 30k!
?.?.12 - Wormbane
4.6.18 - Penetrator

[Image: 76561198058198743.png]
Marelow Biggs thanks for the sword bought it.
Jalau let me think about it.
My Kettle is for 25k on the Auction Hall
Tonop -Sniper

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