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WTB Mangler
Mangler has been acquired. Thanks Q
(15-06-2024, 07:13 PM)NatanFX Wrote: Aight heres a funny one, i can offer 2m gold for it, PM me if you wanna sell.

Hahaha, that man wants to buy a mangler, hahahaha, this is so funny.
Please avoid overly explicit language in signatures, thanks!

*Multiple quotes from people who didn't like me getting censored* Get over it -Xen

2nd place on the friendliest Nord Invasion player after PCK (2024)

Only player who completed Rise from the Ashes II on 3 classes that don't exist anymore (Marauder/Aventurier/Sentinel).

(Total RftA : 6, RftA II : 5)

(Legendary Loots : 74, Upgraded Legendaries : 37)

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