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Terath's Material Shop - Low-grade materials for a good price!
Hello, Terath here, just want to get some of this shiz out of my way.
All I want to do is sell, I don't really need anything:
[glow=red,2,300]14 x Old Boots
[/glow][glow=red,2,300]22 x Crooked Stick[/glow]
[glow=blue,2,300]200 x Cloth[/glow]
[glow=blue,2,300]200 x Wood[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]33 x Bent Sword[/glow]
[glow=blue,2,300]75 x Metal[/glow]
46 x Bone Shard
44 x Bone Powder
2 x Leather
[glow=red,2,300]14 x Shade Ore[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]2 x Mystic Charm[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]20 x Sparkly Necklace[/glow]
[glow=blue,2,300]17 x Twisted String[/glow]
13 x Worm Root
15 x Hydra Leaf
8 x Spurn Berry
12 x Nem Flower
3 x Antiseptic Cloth
14 x Mixed Glue
[glow=red,2,300]33 x Heavy Cloth[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]13 x Hardened Metal[/glow]
[glow=red,2,300]31 x Sturdy Wood[/glow]
53 x Wolf Teeth Necklace
1 x Normal Charcoal
[glow=red,2,300]49 x Chain[/glow]
Have fun!  ;D
Red: High-end crafting materials
Normal: Low-end crafting materials
Blue: Needed materials in general
Purple: Not for sale
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off

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