11-09-2012, 12:38 PM
With GreaseMonkey's update to 1.0, the script has stopped working. This is due to a new requirement for all scripts, an @grant line. In the case of this script, "@grant none" makes the script run as it used to.
For those who would like to use the script, I have re-posted the script with all the little edits merged it. Since no features have been added, I'll call it an unofficial version 1.8.1. Here it is:
[code=Website Enhancement Script 1.8.1 - Unofficial]
// ==UserScript==
// @name Nord Invasion Script
// @namespace http://nordinvasion.com
// @author Tennenoth & Jikuu_Ryuu (minor bug fixes by Kip)
// @description Adds user created menus to the website
// @include http://nordinvasion.com/*
// @include http://www.nordinvasion.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// For testing purposes delete the "//" from the following line;
// alert("I'm working!");
// Start of Script //
var auctionArr = [];
var craftingArr = [];
var otherArr = [];
var menu = '';
var divLineBreak = '<div style="clear:both;height: 10px;border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc; margin-bottom:10px;"></div>';
if (localStorage.NI != '1') {
// Initialise the script output.
outputMenu(); // Always last.
// Styling and menu creation.
function outputMenu() {
if (menu != '') {
menuobj = document.createElement('ul');
menuobj.style.position = 'fixed';
menuobj.style.top = '0px';
menuobj.style.left = '0px';
menuobj.style.margin = '0px';
menuobj.style.padding = '10px';
menuobj.style.backgroundColor = '#eee';
menuobj.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #ccc';
menuobj.style.borderRight = '1px solid #ccc';
menuobj.innerHTML = menu;
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Add EventListeners
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (var i = 0; i < auctionArr.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < craftingArr.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < otherArr.length; i++) {
document.getElementById('btnAdd').addEventListener('click', addAHLink, false);
document.getElementById('btnCAdd').addEventListener('click', addCLink, false);
document.getElementById('btnAHSearch').addEventListener('click', searchAH, false);
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').addEventListener('click', hideToggle, false);
document.getElementById('btnToggle').addEventListener('click', toggleDelete, false);
document.getElementById('frmAH').addEventListener('submit', searchAH, false);
document.getElementById('btnReset').addEventListener('click', resetVariables, false);
document.getElementById('btnOAdd').addEventListener('click', addOtherLink, false);
// Output functions - Display the menu bar content.
function searchAH() {
var textBoxOutput = document.getElementById("searchAHBox").value;
var searchURL = 'http://www.nordinvasion.com/auction_hall.php?q=' + textBoxOutput;
window.location.href = searchURL;
function outputSearch() {
menu += '<form action="JavaScript
earchAH()" id="frmAH"><p><center><strong>Quick AH Search</strong>
<input style="margin-top:3px;" type="text" id="searchAHBox" size="15" />
menu += '<input type="button" id="btnAHSearch" value="Search" /></center></p></form>';
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputAH() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.list != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img style="display:inline;vertical-align:middle;margin-bott: 0 3px;" src="/images/house.png"><strong> Auction Hall</strong></center></p>';
auctionArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.list.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == "true") {
for (i in auctionArr) {
menu += auctionArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in auctionArr) {
menu += auctionArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputCrafting() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img style="display:inline;vertical-align: top;margin: 0 3px;" src="/images/wrench.png"><strong>Crafting</strong></center></p>';
craftingArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (i in craftingArr) {
menu += craftingArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="C' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in craftingArr) {
menu += craftingArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputOther() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img class="ico" src="/images/page_white_text.png"><strong>Other</strong></center></p>';
otherArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (i in otherArr) {
menu += otherArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="O' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in otherArr) {
menu += otherArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputSettings() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.hsbuttonVisible == "block") {
var hsvar = '<img class="ico" src="/images/monitor_go.png"><strong>Settings <a id="btnToggleSettings">[-]</a></strong>';
} else {
var hsvar = '<img class="ico" src="/images/monitor_go.png"><strong>Settings <a id="btnToggleSettings">[+]</a></strong>';
menu += '<center><p>' + hsvar; + '</p>';
menu += '<div id="hsbutton" style="display:' + localStorage.hsbuttonVisible + '">';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add Auction Hall Item</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnCAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add Crafting Item</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnOAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add "Other" Link</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif"> <a href="#" id="btnToggle" style="text-decoration:none">Toggle Remove Buttons</a>';
menu += divLineBreak;
menu += '<p><a href="#" id="btnReset" style="text-decoration:none">Reset Links</a></center></p>';
// Add a link to the list
function addAHLink() {
var itemName = prompt("Add item","Enter the item name:");
auctionArr.push('<a href="http://www.nordinvasion.com/auction_hall.php?q=' + itemName.replace(" ", "+") + '" style="text-decoration:none">» ' + itemName + '</a>');
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = auctionArr.join("|");
function addCLink() {
if (location.href.indexOf('http://www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php?b') == -1) {
var craftName = prompt("Add Craft Name", "Enter the Craft Name:");
var craftURL = prompt("Add Craft URL", "Enter the Crafting URL:");
if (craftName != null && craftURL != null) {
craftingArr.push('<a href="' + craftURL + '" style="text-decoration:none">» ' + craftName + '</a>');
} else {
var craftName = prompt("Add Craft Name", document.getElementsByClassName('rightContent')[0].getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].innerHTML.replace('Crafting: ', ''));
var craftURL = location.href;
craftingArr.push('<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="' + craftURL + '">» ' + craftName + '</a>');
if (craftName) {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = craftingArr.join("|");
} else {
function addOtherLink() {
var linkName = prompt("Add Other Link", "Enter the Link Name.");
var linkURL = prompt("Link URL", "Enter the Link URL.");
if (linkName != null && linkURL != null) {
otherArr.push('<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="' + linkURL + '">» ' + linkName + '</a>');
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = otherArr.join("|");
} else {
function toggleDelete() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'false';
} else {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'true';
// Remove a link from the list and set EventListeners
function addEventListenersAH(id) {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeAHLink(id)}, false);
function removeAHLink(id) {
auctionArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = auctionArr.join("|");
function addEventListenersCraft(l,id) {
document.getElementById(l+id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeCLink(id)}, false);
function removeCLink(id) {
craftingArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = craftingArr.join("|");
function addEventListenersOther(l,id) {
document.getElementById(l+id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeOtherLink(id)}, false);
function removeOtherLink(id) {
otherArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = otherArr.join("|");
// Other code //
// Domain checker.
function checkDomain() {
var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf('http://nordinvasion') > -1)
window.location.href = 'http://www.nordinvasion.com';
// Hide section toggle.
function hideToggle() {
if (localStorage.hsbuttonVisible == 'none') {
document.getElementById('hsbutton').style.display = 'block';localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = 'block';
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').innerHTML = '[-]';
} else {
document.getElementById('hsbutton').style.display = 'none';localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = 'none';
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').innerHTML = '[+]';
// Reset script function
function resetVariables() {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = "block";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'true';
localStorage.NI = '1';
// NI EXP Le Lazy - Jikuu_Ryuu //
if (location.href == "http://www.nordinvasion.com/" || location.href == "www.nordinvasion.com") {
var obj = document.getElementsByClassName('halfpane')[0].getElementsByClassName('assist_list')[0];
for (var i = 2; i < obj.getElementsByTagName('li').length-1; i++)
var temp = obj.getElementsByTagName('li')[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
temp.innerHTML = '<a class="a' + i + '">' + temp.innerHTML + '</a>';
function getAssistValue() {
return obj.getElementsByTagName('li')[0].innerHTML.split('</span>')[1].replace(' xp', '').replace(' ', '');
function addEvents() {
obj.getElementsByClassName('a2')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_ranged')}, false);
obj.getElementsByClassName('a3')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_melee')}, false);
obj.getElementsByClassName('a4')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_gold')}, false);
function inputEXP(name) {
var assist = getAssistValue();
if (name == 'assist_ranged' || name == 'assist_gold') {
assist -= (assist % 5);
else if (name == 'assist_melee') {
assist -= (assist % 2);
else if (name == 'assist_mounted') {
assist -= (assist % 10);
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = assist;
if (location.href == "http://www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php" || location.href == "www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php") {
var area = document.getElementsByClassName('rightContent')[0].getElementsByClassName('value')[1];
var text = area.innerHTML.replace('','').replace('(','').replace(')', '');
var values = text.split('/');
var remaining = values[1] - values[0];
area.innerHTML = '(' + text + ')
Remaining XP (' + remaining + ')';
For those who would like to use the script, I have re-posted the script with all the little edits merged it. Since no features have been added, I'll call it an unofficial version 1.8.1. Here it is:
[code=Website Enhancement Script 1.8.1 - Unofficial]
// ==UserScript==
// @name Nord Invasion Script
// @namespace http://nordinvasion.com
// @author Tennenoth & Jikuu_Ryuu (minor bug fixes by Kip)
// @description Adds user created menus to the website
// @include http://nordinvasion.com/*
// @include http://www.nordinvasion.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// For testing purposes delete the "//" from the following line;
// alert("I'm working!");
// Start of Script //
var auctionArr = [];
var craftingArr = [];
var otherArr = [];
var menu = '';
var divLineBreak = '<div style="clear:both;height: 10px;border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc; margin-bottom:10px;"></div>';
if (localStorage.NI != '1') {
// Initialise the script output.
outputMenu(); // Always last.
// Styling and menu creation.
function outputMenu() {
if (menu != '') {
menuobj = document.createElement('ul');
menuobj.style.position = 'fixed';
menuobj.style.top = '0px';
menuobj.style.left = '0px';
menuobj.style.margin = '0px';
menuobj.style.padding = '10px';
menuobj.style.backgroundColor = '#eee';
menuobj.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #ccc';
menuobj.style.borderRight = '1px solid #ccc';
menuobj.innerHTML = menu;
body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Add EventListeners
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (var i = 0; i < auctionArr.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < craftingArr.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < otherArr.length; i++) {
document.getElementById('btnAdd').addEventListener('click', addAHLink, false);
document.getElementById('btnCAdd').addEventListener('click', addCLink, false);
document.getElementById('btnAHSearch').addEventListener('click', searchAH, false);
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').addEventListener('click', hideToggle, false);
document.getElementById('btnToggle').addEventListener('click', toggleDelete, false);
document.getElementById('frmAH').addEventListener('submit', searchAH, false);
document.getElementById('btnReset').addEventListener('click', resetVariables, false);
document.getElementById('btnOAdd').addEventListener('click', addOtherLink, false);
// Output functions - Display the menu bar content.
function searchAH() {
var textBoxOutput = document.getElementById("searchAHBox").value;
var searchURL = 'http://www.nordinvasion.com/auction_hall.php?q=' + textBoxOutput;
window.location.href = searchURL;
function outputSearch() {
menu += '<form action="JavaScript
![Confused Confused](https://forum.nordinvasion.com/images/smilies/confused.png)
<input style="margin-top:3px;" type="text" id="searchAHBox" size="15" />
menu += '<input type="button" id="btnAHSearch" value="Search" /></center></p></form>';
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputAH() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.list != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img style="display:inline;vertical-align:middle;margin-bott: 0 3px;" src="/images/house.png"><strong> Auction Hall</strong></center></p>';
auctionArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.list.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == "true") {
for (i in auctionArr) {
menu += auctionArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in auctionArr) {
menu += auctionArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputCrafting() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img style="display:inline;vertical-align: top;margin: 0 3px;" src="/images/wrench.png"><strong>Crafting</strong></center></p>';
craftingArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (i in craftingArr) {
menu += craftingArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="C' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in craftingArr) {
menu += craftingArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputOther() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist != "") {
menu += '<p><center><img class="ico" src="/images/page_white_text.png"><strong>Other</strong></center></p>';
otherArr = unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist.split("|");
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
for (i in otherArr) {
menu += otherArr[i] + ' <img style="vertical-align:middle;" align="right" id="O' + i + '" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif">
} else {
for (i in otherArr) {
menu += otherArr[i] + '
menu += divLineBreak;
function outputSettings() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.hsbuttonVisible == "block") {
var hsvar = '<img class="ico" src="/images/monitor_go.png"><strong>Settings <a id="btnToggleSettings">[-]</a></strong>';
} else {
var hsvar = '<img class="ico" src="/images/monitor_go.png"><strong>Settings <a id="btnToggleSettings">[+]</a></strong>';
menu += '<center><p>' + hsvar; + '</p>';
menu += '<div id="hsbutton" style="display:' + localStorage.hsbuttonVisible + '">';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add Auction Hall Item</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnCAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add Crafting Item</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" height="15" width="15" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/plusButton3.png"> <a href="#" id="btnOAdd" style="text-decoration:none">Add "Other" Link</a>';
menu += '
<img style="vertical-align:middle;" src="http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/Tennenoth/cross-icon.gif"> <a href="#" id="btnToggle" style="text-decoration:none">Toggle Remove Buttons</a>';
menu += divLineBreak;
menu += '<p><a href="#" id="btnReset" style="text-decoration:none">Reset Links</a></center></p>';
// Add a link to the list
function addAHLink() {
var itemName = prompt("Add item","Enter the item name:");
auctionArr.push('<a href="http://www.nordinvasion.com/auction_hall.php?q=' + itemName.replace(" ", "+") + '" style="text-decoration:none">» ' + itemName + '</a>');
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = auctionArr.join("|");
function addCLink() {
if (location.href.indexOf('http://www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php?b') == -1) {
var craftName = prompt("Add Craft Name", "Enter the Craft Name:");
var craftURL = prompt("Add Craft URL", "Enter the Crafting URL:");
if (craftName != null && craftURL != null) {
craftingArr.push('<a href="' + craftURL + '" style="text-decoration:none">» ' + craftName + '</a>');
} else {
var craftName = prompt("Add Craft Name", document.getElementsByClassName('rightContent')[0].getElementsByTagName('h2')[0].innerHTML.replace('Crafting: ', ''));
var craftURL = location.href;
craftingArr.push('<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="' + craftURL + '">» ' + craftName + '</a>');
if (craftName) {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = craftingArr.join("|");
} else {
function addOtherLink() {
var linkName = prompt("Add Other Link", "Enter the Link Name.");
var linkURL = prompt("Link URL", "Enter the Link URL.");
if (linkName != null && linkURL != null) {
otherArr.push('<a style="text-decoration:none;" href="' + linkURL + '">» ' + linkName + '</a>');
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = otherArr.join("|");
} else {
function toggleDelete() {
if (unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons == 'true') {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'false';
} else {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'true';
// Remove a link from the list and set EventListeners
function addEventListenersAH(id) {
document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeAHLink(id)}, false);
function removeAHLink(id) {
auctionArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = auctionArr.join("|");
function addEventListenersCraft(l,id) {
document.getElementById(l+id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeCLink(id)}, false);
function removeCLink(id) {
craftingArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = craftingArr.join("|");
function addEventListenersOther(l,id) {
document.getElementById(l+id).addEventListener("click", function(){removeOtherLink(id)}, false);
function removeOtherLink(id) {
otherArr.splice(id, 1);
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = otherArr.join("|");
// Other code //
// Domain checker.
function checkDomain() {
var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf('http://nordinvasion') > -1)
window.location.href = 'http://www.nordinvasion.com';
// Hide section toggle.
function hideToggle() {
if (localStorage.hsbuttonVisible == 'none') {
document.getElementById('hsbutton').style.display = 'block';localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = 'block';
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').innerHTML = '[-]';
} else {
document.getElementById('hsbutton').style.display = 'none';localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = 'none';
document.getElementById('btnToggleSettings').innerHTML = '[+]';
// Reset script function
function resetVariables() {
unsafeWindow.localStorage.hsbuttonVisible = "block";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.list = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.craftlist = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.otherlist = "";
unsafeWindow.localStorage.delButtons = 'true';
localStorage.NI = '1';
// NI EXP Le Lazy - Jikuu_Ryuu //
if (location.href == "http://www.nordinvasion.com/" || location.href == "www.nordinvasion.com") {
var obj = document.getElementsByClassName('halfpane')[0].getElementsByClassName('assist_list')[0];
for (var i = 2; i < obj.getElementsByTagName('li').length-1; i++)
var temp = obj.getElementsByTagName('li')[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
temp.innerHTML = '<a class="a' + i + '">' + temp.innerHTML + '</a>';
function getAssistValue() {
return obj.getElementsByTagName('li')[0].innerHTML.split('</span>')[1].replace(' xp', '').replace(' ', '');
function addEvents() {
obj.getElementsByClassName('a2')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_ranged')}, false);
obj.getElementsByClassName('a3')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_melee')}, false);
obj.getElementsByClassName('a4')[0].addEventListener('click', function(){inputEXP('assist_gold')}, false);
function inputEXP(name) {
var assist = getAssistValue();
if (name == 'assist_ranged' || name == 'assist_gold') {
assist -= (assist % 5);
else if (name == 'assist_melee') {
assist -= (assist % 2);
else if (name == 'assist_mounted') {
assist -= (assist % 10);
document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value = assist;
if (location.href == "http://www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php" || location.href == "www.nordinvasion.com/crafting.php") {
var area = document.getElementsByClassName('rightContent')[0].getElementsByClassName('value')[1];
var text = area.innerHTML.replace('','').replace('(','').replace(')', '');
var values = text.split('/');
var remaining = values[1] - values[0];
area.innerHTML = '(' + text + ')
Remaining XP (' + remaining + ')';
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...