07-12-2013, 01:08 AM
Want to sell these Items :
-2 x Black Wisby Gauntlets
-2 x Heavy Kettle Hats
-2 x Ornate Hourglass Gauntlets
-2 x Plate Mittens
-1 x Gnezovo Helmet
-1 x Open Scalet Helmet
Intrest in : Sniper things, Gold and Mats (can balance).
-2 x Black Wisby Gauntlets
-2 x Heavy Kettle Hats
-2 x Ornate Hourglass Gauntlets
-2 x Plate Mittens
-1 x Gnezovo Helmet
-1 x Open Scalet Helmet
Intrest in : Sniper things, Gold and Mats (can balance).