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WTK: Orichalcum
Hello there

I am wondering if there is someone who has got one of these in their inventory and don't use it and want to sell it, and if so, how much money would he/she like for it?

PM or reply on the topic if you have one Smile
Have a nice day and happy easter!
You can buy it at the marketplace for 250000g  Wink in 'good'
''Add white flag to the legendary so Haruka will loot one'' -DB Loris
(19-04-2014, 08:40 PM)Octopus link Wrote: You can buy it at the marketplace for 250000g  Wink in 'good'
I know that, but if someone has got one in their inventory and wants to get rid of it, I can buy it from him. And most likely cheaper than 250k ^^
This will be my last bump and your last chance to let me know you have one, by the end of tommorow I'll be getting one from the marketplace.

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