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AH mistake

I sold my Crafttable throwing Spears by a mistake i tought i listed a Highlander Claymore for 80k ...have i any chance to get them back?
 The player that bought my CTS called : Sejuani ,)

Rip, good luck getting your item back, it's unlikely for the cts to be returned but if your lucky the person will be nice and return the item to you.

Player going by Sejuani forums account:

-Player is not forums active however.
Looted A Frying Pan 11/25/14
[Image: tbavTdE.jpg]

I have lost my guess close to 2m+ from the ah from stupid stuff... (over 4 years or how ever long it been)
The way i been told for my 2+ times i've been fucking stupid or when the ah has been stupid is unless the other guy is nice and gives it back gg

Fara 1g buy (Bulwark) is a good example other guy left the game what like less than a week later.

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