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[Open] Auction Hall bug
Ok, so every time I started playing an online mod I tried to find different bugs in the website. In the past I used those for myself, now I report dem all. The one I found here does not affect the game in any way (by that I mean there is not gold/ xp duping or any unfair advantage gained over other players).

I opened the auction hall in 2 tabs and went at the same offer (in both of the tabs). There were 2 deployable board shields for sale for 500 gold each (wanted to test it with something relatively cheap). I typed in 2 near the offer so I would buy both of the shields at the same time (did this on both tabs, but I only typed 2, did not press the buy button). I then pressed buy while on the first tab and then quickly switched to the second one and pressed buy there as well. In the end 3 board shields ended up in the inventory instead of 2, however 1500 (instead of 1000 for 2 shields only) gold was deducted from the total gold amount (aka even if an item gets duped in the process, his price still needs to be paid like it would be in the shop).

I tested this on an iPad 4, IOS 10. Again, I don't know if this will affect the game itself in any way, but here it is. However I don't know if the seller of the items gets all the gold paid for the duplicated items as well.

If there is any problem, I can get rid of that 1 specific duped board shield.
Thanks for the report. We will have a look into this.

RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
Quantity seems to be set to 1 whatever is the amount that you are buying or selling. Which explains why you have 3 dep shields, you had already one. As for the 2, you bought them 1 by 1, I've just tested it. Number is irrelevant.

I've tried to sell 4 old boots for 300, I went to AH, surprisingly I found 1 boot, bought it by changing the quantity, and it was in fact only 1 not even 2, 3 or 4.

Hope this could help.

PS: No item were duplicated, and the quantity on the seller is still -1 boot, not -4. And the buyer has +1 boot, not +4 or +2.

- LordChaos (Legionnaire):  Armorsmith
- Kingsguard (Royal Guard):Blacksmith
- Swadian_Hunter (Archer) Jobless
- The_Impaler (Pikeman): Achemist 
- House Crafting: Defender 

01/04/16: Nothing
I did not have 1 shield in the inv when I bough the other 2. I never actually bought any shield/ cade before. On top of that the one selling (only 2) shields said he got the money for 3 instead of only 2 (cannot remember the name of the player sorry).

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