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Can't leave the house [SOLVED]
ID of character : 2456574
Aurora Blade ( 17.08.2016 ) - Prince
Legacy ( 04.10.2020 ) - Odins Chosen
Dellingr's Hands ( 09.10.2020 ) - Chosen Valkyrie
Heavy Scaled Greaves ( 23.10.2020 ) - Dvergar Ballistaman
Defender Armour ( 04.11.2020 ) - Thor
Glory ( 17.11.2024 ) - Odin
Ailadrodd ( 01.12.2024 ) - Odin
Onyx Bolts ( 10.12.2024 ) - Loki
Dellingr's Hands ( 20.12.2024 ) - Chosen Valkyrie
Hi, can you please explain the issue so that we can investigate any issues fully?

RIP The_Irish_Eagle -- 6 Oct 2024

Slowly being bled dry by NI... Please help me and donate!
My house was bankrupted and when I try to leave by pressing "leave the house" button It didn't work.
Aurora Blade ( 17.08.2016 ) - Prince
Legacy ( 04.10.2020 ) - Odins Chosen
Dellingr's Hands ( 09.10.2020 ) - Chosen Valkyrie
Heavy Scaled Greaves ( 23.10.2020 ) - Dvergar Ballistaman
Defender Armour ( 04.11.2020 ) - Thor
Glory ( 17.11.2024 ) - Odin
Ailadrodd ( 01.12.2024 ) - Odin
Onyx Bolts ( 10.12.2024 ) - Loki
Dellingr's Hands ( 20.12.2024 ) - Chosen Valkyrie

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