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WTS: Swadian Poleaxe
Post offers below or PM me Smile Looking mainly for gold (380k-420k) or Sharpshooter Items
Legendary Loots: 79

flamberge,120k,german poleaxe?
Legendary Loots: 79

Id prefer straight gold, like your previous offer
hey Big Grin war arrows, rough smallring, open trooper, ornate hourglass and 50k?
Legendary Loots: 79

which sharpshooter armor? i have emblemed.
steam: Fluffiluffigus

Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus
If you balance the Emblemmed with gold, then il trade Big Grin
Please do not make multiple threads for a single item with different requirements. You can edit your original post in this thread saying that you will swap it for sharpshooter weapons or armour as well as looking for gold.

*Merged all three threads.

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