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WTS Claymore
Claymore Stats:
Spd rtng 95
Weapon length 115
Swing damage 40
Thrust damage 28

Usable by:
-Heavy Infantry

Say your offer below.
(Pleas do not PM, becaus then others can't see the offers)

DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
SS Bow?
Its not the Highlander
Well, SS-Bow is good  ;D

But i'm fair and like Tiberias already told, it's not the Highlander Claymore, but the normal Claymore..  Sad
DB_BlackWarden - DB_BlackPeltast - DB_BlackKnight - DB_BlackPavise
Alchemist 16 - ArmorSmith 21 - BlackSmith 18 - Alchemist 8
Im not fully aware of the price, to be honest, so il offer something more appropriate given the chance Smile

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