As I dont need 2 weapons on my pike, i'd like to sell one of them.
Sun Pike
Useable by: Commando,Sharpshooter and Pikeman
Eastern Glaive SOLD
Useable by: Pikeman (also on Cavelery mode!)
I'm open to all offers, but ofers related to this will have small adventage
Commando gear
Bow better then SS
Elmwood/Ebony Arrows
Barrel (the ony thing better from having a barrel is to have 2 barrels : )
I can balance for higher offers
Sun Pike
Useable by: Commando,Sharpshooter and Pikeman
Eastern Glaive SOLD
Useable by: Pikeman (also on Cavelery mode!)
I'm open to all offers, but ofers related to this will have small adventage
Commando gear
Bow better then SS
Elmwood/Ebony Arrows
Barrel (the ony thing better from having a barrel is to have 2 barrels : )
I can balance for higher offers