28-04-2014, 05:47 PM
What hero class does the most halberd damage like the swadian poleaxe.
Halberdier, or marauder.
I under stand halberier has an iron flesh boost, and marauder has a pole arms boost. Just not aure which one boosts polearms damage the most
Halberdier, or marauder.
I under stand halberier has an iron flesh boost, and marauder has a pole arms boost. Just not aure which one boosts polearms damage the most
Vagabond Helmet
| darklit | Esox | Isoptera | Bombina | Branta | Agnus | Caridea| Hyla |
| darklit | Esox | Isoptera | Bombina | Branta | Agnus | Caridea| Hyla |