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so how should one go about earning 500k gold?
with only a couple levels left to go to 52, i don't have nearly enough money even with selling my mats to proceed to the hero class

Barbutte With Coif
Griffon Bascinet
Put your Assist XP into Gold for your last 2 levels.  It should get you much close.  It will take a while to get those lat 2 levels though.
Steam name:  Sargeant Q

Play as much ragnarok mode as possible. It yields the most xp and mats out of any of the game modes in this mod. It also helps to join a good house that does weekly events as events are usually more organized and much more likely to successfully complete rag runs than public servers are.
Official Banner Update Pack -,25828.0.html
Perseus     (Lvl 52 Royal Guard)
Artemis     (Lvl 52 Warden)
Hephaestus (Lvl 52 Zweihander)
Ares          (Lvl 52 Pikeman Hybrid)
Hestia       (Lvl 24 Heavy Xbow)

Loots: 1x Sun Pike

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