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Equipment Loadout slot is unresponsive.
Right, so every time I join a server, instead of having a working loud-out screen, it simply shows a jumbled up version of that.

On the right, where the weapons loadout should be, I simply see whatever weapons my character has: a 2h sword, a shield, whatever. If there is a slot empty, it will be filled with the Armour, a Helmet, or what not.

On the left, where the armour slots are, there is basically nothing, or shoes in the head slot.

The equipment appears when I spawn in the correct places, thankfully, but I'm unable to physically edit or change the equipment loadout slots, only delete.
It might be be because you have no support item.
Start the game already!
Hmmmm... Explain... I have a.. god I forgot the name for it... I'm logged into my alt char and can't be bothered to logout, but it's a placable shield basically, and that's equipped 24/7, so I don't understand how that could be a problem.
You have to use the site to change your loadout. You can't do it in-game. Also, if you traded an item you were wearing, you might encounter this problem.
ba da bing ba da BAN! -Hypernoma
Ahhhhhhhhh, alright. That makes sense, thank you for the rapid response. I've been out of the loop with NI for the past few months, so forgive me for not keeping up with the new features and options.

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